Author Archive: Hellen Wanjiru

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Learning Disability Report

| December 13, 2017

Definition Characteristics Causes Teaching Learning disability is a disorder that affect a person’s ability to interpret what is said or seen or to link information from different parts of the brain Characteristic include; Imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write or do mathematical calculations, poor memory, sequencing and abstraction.   Causes believed to cause […]

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Family Health Promotion

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction         This term paper discusses the thought of relative’s health and its location as an objective of interference in the treatment field. It argues the perceptions of good physical shape family and the significance of the classification of the family’s strength as an initiate step in location of one’s health goal. A strong life […]

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Reflection Journal; Human Exceptionality

| December 13, 2017

    a) Existence of individual suffering from human exceptionality in our society is a reality of life, one that everybody needs to accept. The book Human Exceptionality: School, Community, and Family by Hardman, Drew, & Eagan (2009) has focused on the critical role that professional such as; educators, psychologist, counselors and health practitioners should […]

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| December 13, 2017

Advertisement and Communication in the public service Advertising is a mass communication form this communication is given by the company to the potential user and buyers of the company’s products. Advertising is a communication form which aims at persuading the potential customers to consume and purchase a particular service or product.  Bovee defines advertising as […]

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Gains and Losses of Having a Baby

| December 13, 2017

. Become more responsible and set priority 2. Posterity 3. Motivation to work 4. Ability to take care of the child for a longer term 5. Enriched life 6. More love in my life 1. More financial expenses 2. More commitment (of energy and time) 3. More responsibilities 4. Interference on schedule 5. Impact on […]

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Doing Without Computers

| December 13, 2017

   Computers have become part and parcel of modern day life. Computers are now being utilized in almost all spheres of life; in leaning, in provision of healthcare, in industries, in transport and entertainment among other areas. In recent years, computers have become cheap and easily accessible that you can find them in most American […]

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| December 13, 2017

 Littering is a critical environmental issue in our surrounding. No one likes living in a dirty environment as litter has many negative effects. Apart from litter being a scenic pollutant it brings about numerous other negative effects such as health problem and injuries to human and animals. Litters are responsible for attracting bacteria and vermin […]

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The fictional Situation

| December 13, 2017

Introduction The fictional situation incorporates three Greek writers Euripides, Plato, and Aristotle. These writers are at a movie theater arguing about different themes and ideas presented in their works Medea, Phaedrus and Poetics respectively. Discussion According to Euripides, passion and rage is the main theme presented in his play, Madea. Madea has been presented as […]

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Relationship between Ethnic Backgrounds and Students Performances

| December 13, 2017

Abstract             There have been perceptions that there exists a difference in the way students perform based on their ethnic backgrounds. Cwikla (2002) conducted a study and came up with a conclusion that there was a relationship between the ethnic background of a student and their Mathematics performance. The aim of this project is to […]

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| December 13, 2017

 The place I am standing is a highly diverse place with no human settlement. The place has a variety trees which many weaver birds have constructed their nests.  It is the backyard of a park nearly. I love this place because it is among my favorite sport for bird watching. There also other bird varieties […]

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