Basic Library Skills

Most students do not know how to use a library catalog and this has made it hard for students to search for books. The following steps will guide students in searching books.

1.Find the drawer that has the first letter of the book you need.

For example, if you a searching a book that starts with H, go to the drawer that has H.

2. Do not include articles before the title

Students should not include articles that come before the title like a, an etc.

3. Open the drawer you need to search for the book.

Search for the book title in the drawer.

4. Use the catalog cards

The catalog cards are arranged alphabetically and are tied together.

5. The card contains various details about the book.

For example, it shows the title of the book, the author, publisher and date published.

6. Then find the call number

The call number is located at the left side

7.Use the call number to search for the book from the library.

The books in the library are arranged according to the call number.

8. Use the same procedure to search for author and subject

Find the drawer that has the first letter of the author’s last name

9. Then open the drawer and search for the card that has the author’s name.

The cards in the drawer have different names that are arranged alphabetically.

10. After getting the card, use it to search for the author from the library.  After indentifying the author you can search for books that have been written by the author from the library(Wolf, 2006).


Wolf,C.E.(2006).Basic library skills. McFarland

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