

Born in Bonn, Germany, Ludwig van Beethoven went to Vienna under Mozart and Hayden for his studies. He was able to acquire knowledge and skills that made him grew in terms of music. When at college, he became popular simply because he had developed enough skills to become a teacher. On the same, he was a pianist and would help develop some occasions making him famous as he schooled. At Vienna, Beethoven became popular, and this is the time he composed some of his famous music works. The Eroica and pastoral symphonies, fifth symphony, opera Fidelio, and the emperor concerto were some of his popular music work that made him recognized in most parts of the world. His work forms a base of music foundation simply because he was able to write, compose, and play music work that entertained target audience, (Burnham, 2000).

His father wanted him to become the best in music, and this became true because at the age of twelve years, he was able to support his family through the sale of his music. Before Beethoven music work, people used to develop funny music works that were mainly focused on keeping people busy when listening. The common music works developed before that of Beethoven was religious related. After he introduced his style, people switched to the new version such that they left other music works just for entertainment. Although there were some unfortunate events that occurred in his life, this artist wanted to change world music. He had developed a new strategy of producing music for the society, (Burnham, 2000).

He lived in the era when music had importance in the society. During the era of classical music, most people engaged in activities that called for music and change of entertainment mode. His music was for the general population, and that is why he came up with romantic and classical style of music that was liked by most people. He is a acclaimed artist who changed the world of music into a different angle. Music was useful in Europe, and that is why Beethoven grew. People used his music for entertainment and other occasions something that made him famous and popular in the music industry. He continued developing his music and how he created his work something that gave him survival in the music industry. Instead of diminishing in value, Beethoven’s music work continued to be quality and catching (Burnham, 2000).

Evidence shows that he was the bridge between romantic and classical music works in respect to what he developed. He is an artist of all times simply because he was able to compose music work of all times, unlike other artists. The work of Beethoven can be divided into three categories starting with classical work, transitional musical work that developed the final category of the romantic work. His progression had many challenges due to his health condition, but that did not stop him from developing new things. Beethoven final music work did not take features of that time simply because he had developed a health condition. His deafness had little effect on what he developed in his writing, (Burnham, 2000).


Burnham, S. (2000). Beethoven Hero: Princeton University Press

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