Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony

According to symphony refers to an elaborate musical masterpiece for complete Orchestra, typically in four movements. Other sources such as wise geek com define it as an ensemble or collection of several instruments such as strings, brass, and percussion. There several definitions of a symphony, but all, of them have a common idea that is embedded in the musical ensemble. This musical establishment dates back from 1800’s when re-known musicians such as Ludwig Van Beethoven composed classical music through symphonies as the most often played sets. Furthermore, symphony collections are associated with orchestra, which some people describe it as an Orchestraic formation.

Question 1

There are several instruments heard in this theme which include; violin, Brass woodwinds, flute fiddle, horns, trumpets, strings and percussion from some drums.

Question 2

During the World War II, America and its allied nations formed a uniting symbol “V” which signified victory over their enemies. This symbol was to inspire them to continue fighting until they concur. They went a head to print letter “V” in their adverts and products to signify their dedication to winning the battle. In addition, they symbolically held their two fingers in a “V” shape to indicate their allegiance to their theme of victory over their enemies. As if not enough this symbolic letter has a morse code stated as …- or in other words dot, dot, dot, space/dash. Sources suggest that if you hum the “V” code you may hear a sound like the 4 beginner notes of Beethoven’s 5th symphony. Therefore, this indicates that there is a connection between the Beethoven’s 5th symphony and the U.S.A Army songs sung at that historical era.


Christopher H. Gibbs (2006) Notes review on Beethoven’s fifth Symphony Article review

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