
1.                  Summarize the view of human nature underlying Gestalt, and explain its implications for counseling. Some individual tend to            behave the way they are not which creates a great risk in their life. Imitating an individual is quite bad simply because you might end up                        behaving like that person. In a counseling situation, the views of Gestalt should be applied so as to provide individuals with an environment that              enables them to be the person they are.

Table of Contents

2.                  How does unfinished business from the past manifest itself in current behavior? What is the most frequent source of unfinished business? Due to the interpersonal problems which were experienced there later, the current business set up will be affected simply because those behaviors could have been imported to the current environment. Experimental therapy is the most applicable in this situation simply because individual will be pointed out.

3.                  What are important therapeutic goals of Gestalt Therapy? How does the therapist’s role/function relate to accomplishing these goals? Gestalt therapy has different goals that help an individual to discover his ability. The aspect of restoring an individual’s ability to recognize the nature and relate to others is the main goal of the therapy. Individuals who are subjected to this kind of therapy enable to cope with situations which affect their lives. The role of the therapist is to ensure that the individual is subjected to an environment which enables him understand and take the situation the way it occurred.

4.                  What is the main purpose of most of the experiments created in the Gestalt process? Describe 4 gestalt techniques. Self awareness is the main purpose of the experiment under the Gestalt process. Through the experiment, individuals manage to prepare for the actins that might come within their life. In order for an individual to bring about an effective change, Gestalt has pointed four major techniques which he uses in the process of therapy. The four main techniques are the confluence, introjection, projection and retroflection. The above four helps an individual in servicing health related problems.

5.                  What is your critique of Gestalt therapy?  Mention what you see as its major contributions and limitations.  What aspects of this approach do you think would be good with deaf/hh people? Although the method is applicable in different environments, it fails simply because it uses only the nonverbal behavior aspects. The individual becomes aware of the behaviors that are required to be changed with the steps that should be used. One of the major limitations of the approach is that although the approach enables the individual to be aware of the situation; it makes him or her to be lonelier.

6.                  Describe the behaviorists’ view of human nature. What implications does this view have in terms of the conditions necessary for people to change? With behaviorists, the human nature is relative. Human beings are believed to be born differently in that there are bad and good human beings. What greatly determines their presence is that they are all neutral irrespective of the circumstances they are born at. The environment that an individual is brought up or people that someone associates with are the core influence on someone’s behaviors.

7.                  Identify and describe 4 behavioral techniques that you might be inclined to use with patients.  Explain what problems and clients would be best fitted for the techniques that you have selected. Among the behavioral techniques that can be applied, we have the classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning among others. Under the above techniques, there are different clients or problems that can be solved. Under the classical conditioning, clients who have been affected by flood problems can get solutions. Operant conditioning is applicable to individuals who are affected by economics problems while observational learning is applicable for clients doing modeling.

8.                   Discuss some of the contributions and limitations of behavioral therapy. With behavioral therapy, an individual manages to be aware of the behaviors that are required to be changed. It provides some solutions on what an individual should do in order to change some of the behaviors. One greatest limitation of the approach is that it does not change the feelings of an individual rather it only changes behavior. With other approaches, emotions are dealt with completely as compared to behavioral therapy.

9.                  What are the philosophical assumptions of CBT pertaining to human nature? To what degree do you agree or disagree with the CBT view of human nature? We have the articulate and the unarticulated assumptions that are present in the CBT aspect of the human nature. These assumptions lie on the grounds that human nature provides certain measures to understand the nature of an individual. In my own view, human nature is contributed by the environment and how an individual is brought up.

10.              What are the general goals that cognitive-behavioral therapists focus on with their clients? In cognitive behavior therapy, there are four main goals. Changing behavior is one of the goals whereby therapists try to change the behaviors of the client in an assertive perspective. Changing feelings is another core goal of the behavior which aims at reducing the level of the feeling an individual has towards a certain condition. Improvement of coping is another goal of the approach and the last one is the change of thinking patterns whereby an individual learns how to deal with problems individually.

11.              Describe one cognitive method, one emotive method, and one behavioral technique used in the practice of REBT. In cognitive method, there is the cognitive-philosophic whereby therapist tries to learn more about the mind of the individual. It tries to look at the consciousness of the mind. In the side of emotive method, there is the emotive-evocative-dramatic which tries to put measures on which individuals do apply in order to reduce the level of stress they have.

12.              Describe how Beck might treat depression. Depression may result from things that were interesting to you but they are no longer interesting and you want to get lid of them in your mind. The first thing one need to do is to discover the causes of the depression. This will help you handle or avoid circumstances that might affect you. Writing down the discovered emotions is the best thing simply because the individual tries to minimize the extent in which he or she might come across them.

13.              Describe the contributions and limitations of cognitive-behavioral approaches.  Which concepts and techniques of the CBT therapies might you use if you were a therapist? There are so many contributions that cognitive-behavioral method has brought in the management of behaviors. Determining some of the changes that should be employed is one of the greatest contribution. On the other hand, the major limitation about the approach is that it’s not given that it can pick out some of the changes that should be deployed. Combination of different methods would be applicable simply because if the first method does not provide some information the other one will automatically have to.

14.              In your own words, define and describe the essence of the family systems perspective. This is quite applicable and important approach simply because it does use different logics from other methods. It’s an integrated approach whereby some aspects are borrowed from different methods so as to deal with certain behaviors that disturb or stresses an individual. Interpersonal conflicts are dealt with accordingly so as to determine the problem in an individual.

15.              Define and discuss the concepts of triangulation and differentiation of the self as they relate to family therapy. The aspect of differentiation is to differentiate the different feelings that are present in the family setup. With differentiation, the individual takes a different direction in respect to the members but staying connected to them on other things. In the triangulation aspect, the individual compares his status with of the third party. For differentiated individuals, life is such simple simply because they know how they are required to deal with certain issues.

16.              What are some of the advantages and limitations of working with a family systems perspective when treating patients? In a family system perspective, therapist manages to point out some of the feelings that are common within the family members. With this, treatment or the approach is clearly shown which helps the individual to cope with situation. Among the limitations, this approach may make the individual who have realized his feelings to have bad perception towards the rest of the family group.

17.              After taking this class, how would you now describe your view of human nature and what factors do you think are necessary for people to change?  Which theory(s) did you like best and why? On my own view, I believe that human beings are born differently but what matters most is the environment they are born at and on the other hand the way they are brought up. Some of the things that people should change include the behaviors, feelings, how they cope with certain situations and the way they think in general. CBT is the best theory simply because it does incorporate some of different points that have been discussed by so many theories.

18.              In the movie “Good Will Hunting,” which therapeutic approach(s) do you think Dr. McGuire utilized primarily, and why? Be sure to support for your answer! In this movie, Dr. McGuire uses thepsychotherapeutic approach. In the entire movie, the aspect of human emotions is shown clearly which reveals that he uses the psychotherapeutic approach to counsel the affected people. In the movie the author tries to bring out a different picture of individuals other than the way we see them.

19.              Did Dr. McGuire engage in any unethical behavior? If so, what? In my own view, I may say that he engaged in unethical behavior. He tries to bring a different picture of the participants other than the way we see them behaving.

20.              Describe what you learned about therapy from watching this movie. In respect to the movie, there is always certain genius who waits to be utilized and discovered in order to deal with behaviors.

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