BUSI-2003-3 Operations

 Managers is the current business world are supposed to employ certain procedures and process so that they get a good working environment. In order to become a good leader who takes care of any work condition on the work place, one should be able to understand different management styles and where to apply them. What is your working environment? What do your workers require and what do you need in order to hold your workers in the right way? Managers should choose the management style which suits their workers and the general skills which they hold. It is with no doubt that managers need to understand their workers in order to provide good working conditions which will enable them provide quality services. Since there are different theories which managers should used in their operations, one need to use the best theory which creates a balance room of working conditions, (Organization for Economic Cooperation an, 2009).

With the help of this course, am able to get some basic business management information which one need to employ when dealing with his or her employees. The course provides information on duties of managers and what management styles they need to have in their operations. It is clear from the course that, in order to be successful in your business one should be able to make sound decisions on which strategies should be put in place so as to have a clear design of their working conditions. Most managers fail in their management styles because they do not consider which styles they need to employ to their employees. It is with no doubt that managers should use their strategic knowledge when dealing with their employees, (Organization for Economic Cooperation an, 2009).


Organization for Economic Cooperation an, (2009). Creating Effective Teaching and        Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS: OECD Publishing

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