Business Development in Moraine
Business Development in Moraine
Moraine is a developing country. As a developing nation, the main priority is in the development of its economy. Economical development begins with developing grassroots entrepreneurs. The Business Assistance Department (BAD) focuses on helping small and medium sized business entrepreneurs acquire the right business information. The main priority for leaders at BAD is to ensure that potential entrepreneurs experience minimal expenses in terms of money, time, expertise and opportunities. The leaders should ensure that any start up or existing entrepreneur access any consultation services that they require achieving this (Keilbach, & Tamvada, 2008). Consultation will involve information in how to start and successfully manage a business, where to find reliable employees and how to finance the business.
Leaders at BAD ensure that start up SME’s as well as existing SME’s operate efficiently and remain sustainable in the growing economy.The main role of the European Union (EU) at Moraine is funding start up and existing business. Funding is essential as it helps start up business to cover any expenses that arise in the infant stages of the business. Funding is also crucial for existing business as it opens up opportunities for expansion and growth into other regions. The main priorities of leaders at EU are ensuring that barriers associated with seeking financial assistance are minimized. The leaders at EU will work with local banks to offer entrepreneurs with loans and grants. The leaders strive to ensure that EU funding reaches business entrepreneurs at regional levels (Keilbach, & Tamvada, 2008).
This guarantees that economic development is realized all across the country of Moraine. Overall EU leaders ensure that any individual with a dream to start up a business has the financial capability to do so. Funding will also ensure that existing businesses get an opportunity to expand.Assistance by the One Business at a Time (OBT) will emphasize on helping local populations start and develop simple business opportunities. The priority of leaders at OBT is thus to reach the grass root level in Moraine. Accessing the grassroots ensures that individual with business access the services of OBT. Leaders at OBT will advice start entrepreneurs on opportunities they can focus on. OBT leaders will strive to advice the entrepreneurs accordingly and ensure that they make the right business choices.The New Public Management (NPM) focuses on establishing a market oriented management. New public management emphasizes on decentralized where government bodies enjoy a higher level of autonomy from the central agency controls.
NPM involves the deregulation of line management, performance based accountability and reviewing the internal market. NPM can help BAD determine economically viable opportunities. BAD, on the other hand, can use the information that they gather from NPM to advice aspiring entrepreneurs. New public management emphasizes on a hands on approach to professional management in the public sector (Larbi, 1999). NPM could help BAD to develop grassroots entrepreneurs by actively engaging the citizens at different geographical regions. Government leaders at grassroots levels can directly be involved in enhancing economic development by encouraging the population to access the services of BAD. BAD would mobilize its people to grass root areas, and with the assistance of local government they would engage the public in mass education on entrepreneurship. Individuals with startup businesses and those with existing businesses would receive business advice and consultation at an affordable rate.
Keilbach, M. & Tamvada, J. (2008). Sustaining entrepreneurship. Springer publishing
Larbi, G. (1999). The new public management approach and crisis states. United Nations research institute for social development
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