A Case Study on, “Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Holter Monitor” Applicability

A Case Study on, “Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Holter Monitor” Applicability

Scenario 1:

Anxiety is an apparent feeling that strikes every individual whenever there is a new situation or experience coming on the way. The same case applies to female patient who fears ECG wires. As a clinician, there is a need for me to assure the patient that no electric shock can harm her. In that case, I would first explain to her how the ECG system operates on the human body without causing any harm. In addition, I would show her the amount of charge needed to cause an electric shock to assure her that the ECG system is safe from any electrocution. In need be I would also demonstrate to her how the system works on someone else; hence calming her apprehensiveness.

To ensure the patient is calm and does not move during the treatment, I would make sure to explain her all dangers of not complying during the procedure. On the other hand, I would request her to share whatever she feels not comfortable; hence ensuring that nothing disturbs her during the procedure. Furthermore, in ensuring that she does not move I would place her on a strategic position that would discourage all unnecessary movements.  As if not enough, I would engage her in some exciting dialogue to keep her busy from concentrating much on the treatment.

According to ethical principles of the clinicians Shimizu (2004), the patients must be treated like human beings. The practice dictates that every medic must demonstrate care, and promotion of the person’s well being through medical activities. Equality through and in medical activities must also be maintained in order to adhere to the principles of general clinical ethics.  Furthermore, the practice promotes positive relations between a physician and a patient.  By applying the required values for a patient’s treatment, ensures a positive reflection on practice.

Scenario 2:

The best way to explain the procedure to the patient would be demonstrating the action for the male patient.  This would be done by placing the electrode wires on the patient’s chest wall as I use sign language to display the actions clearly. Additionally, placing the Holter monitor machine around the waist, this is the correct position on the patient’s body.  Another option for explaining would be through recorded media materials such as videos. The machine’s manual could also be used to explain the procedure to the patient.

Proper positioning of the electrodes on the chest should be emphasized or stressed since proper recording is determined electronic sounds received by those terminals. As if not enough, the patient should be warned on going to areas with high voltages since high voltage might interfere with the recording. The patient should also avoid using electric blankets or being around magnets and metal detectors because they highly interfere with the recording gadget. The patient should also take a sponge bath while conducting this test to avoid direct contact with water since water can cause electrocution. The patient must also press the event button incase cardiac symptoms are experienced.

To ensure patient’s compliance, I would ask the patient to demonstrate how to use the machine before he leaves the examination room. I would also do a follow up assessment test the following day the patient reports the test progress and find out is the test was a success. Furthermore, I would ensure that the patient stays a place not far from me, to ensure that he follows all instructions given.


Shimizu Tetsuro (2004), principles in clinical ethics with special reference to palliative medicine Retrieved on 4th Nov 2012 from http://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~shimizu/papers/pr-cleth.pdf

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