An Overview of the Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach inhelping a client with a substance-related disorder
An Overview of the Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach inhelping a client with a substance-related disorder
While the etiology of addiction is often regarded as a biological process, it can also be understood as a learned behavior. Using the concepts of Pavlov’s classical conditioning, Skinner’s operant conditioning and Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, discuss the development of a substance-related disorder. Consider how the etiology of addiction might be regarded as a cognitive process. Using the concepts of Beck’s cognitive therapy approach, discuss the development of a substance-related disorder.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a blend of two therapies: cognitive therapy (CT) and behavioral therapy. CBT can help the client focus on problematic behaviors, thoughts, and emotions, and how to work to solve them. Provide a comprehensive overview of the CBT approach and explain how the CBT approach can be beneficial in helping a client with a substance-related disorder. What might be some limitations? Discuss how you, as an addiction’s professional, might work with a client who has a substance-related disorder using the CBT approach. Make sure to discuss how you might help the client learn how to identify distorted or unhelpful thinking patterns, recognize, and change inaccurate beliefs, relate to significant others in more positive ways, and change their problematic behaviors. How would you go about incorporating CBT interventions into your treatment plan? Illustrate your understanding of the CBT approach and your ability to apply your learning to clients by developing or selecting a brief case study of a client with a co-occurring disorder from your textbook or other sources. Place the case study in an Appendix and cite it if it is not original.
Your paper should include transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion sections of the paper. The introduction paragraph should include a clear thesis statement.
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