How the clinical question indicates the type of study that will be done (quasi-experimental vs. experimental).

How the clinical question indicates the type of study that will be done (quasi-experimental vs. experimental).

There is no real healthcare reform with Nurse Practitioners with limited prescriptive privileges

For your Dropbox assignment this week, you will write Part 3 of your project proposal. in APA format, include:

Your clinical question
How the clinical question indicates the type of study that will be done (quasi-experimental vs. experimental). Describe the type of study.
Theoretical framework(s) chosen including a rationale for your choice
By Week 6, Day 4, submit your draft of Part One of the Evidence-Based Project for faculty feedback to the W6: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Clinical Question
Clinical question is clearly written
Verb chosen identifies the type of study
Type of study is clearly described
Theoretical framework is clearly articulated
Used current APA style guidelines consistently and accurately.

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