Code Of Ethics Comparison Paper.

Code Of Ethics Comparison Paper.


Enhancement of human development throughout the life span counts on the moral or ethical counseling. Healthy humanistic relations depend on how people value what they term as moral values.  Many people find themselves in social life dilemmas especially when they have little knowledge about their cultural moral values. According to the American counseling Association (ACA, 2005) its counselors have acknowledged or recognized diversity and also embrace a cross- cultural approach of their social lives. Furthermore, they support the dignity, worth uniqueness, and potentials of people within their social and cultural contexts. On the other side, American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC 2004) is designed to serve the clients and to improve the work of Christian counseling around the world. In both ethics, the humanistic moral values partake the first priority in establishing people’s upright relationships. The aim of this paper is to distinguish the similarities and differences in ACA and AACC cord of ethics. The method used in analyzing both ethics is the evaluation method. The evaluation analysis resulted in disclosing need to encourage respect for human multiplicity and dignity. In a bid, to illuminate the humanistic encounters in life ACA support the cultural diversity compared to the enormous AACC support of Christianity and biblical foundations.


According to the American counseling Association (ACA, 2005) its counselors have acknowledged or recognized diversity and also embrace a cross- cultural approach of their social lives. Furthermore, they support the dignity, worth uniqueness, and potentials of people within their social and cultural contexts. Enhancement of human development throughout the life span counts on the moral or ethical counseling. Healthy humanistic relations depend on how people value what they term as moral values.  Many people find themselves in social life dilemmas especially when they have little knowledge about their cultural moral values.  In addition, American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC 2004) is designed to serve the clients and to improve the work of Christian counseling around the world. In both ethics, the humanistic, moral values partake the first priority in establishing people’s upright relationships. The intend of this paper is to distinguish the similarities and differences in ACA and AACC cord of ethics. The method used in analyzing both ethics is the evaluation method. The evaluation analysis resulted in disclosing need to promote respect for human diversity and dignity. In a bid, to illuminate the humanistic encounters in life ACA support the cultural diversity. On the other hand, the enormous AACC support of Christianity and biblical foundations. The biblical guidance and stipulation provides ethical and moral approach based on Christian principals as one of the cultures recognized in the world.

Section one:

General Similarities and differences of the two ethic codes:

The mission of the American Counseling Association is based on enhancing the eminence of life in the society through promotion the advancement of professional counselors, as well as developing counseling expertise and using the profession/ practice of counseling to promote respect for human diversity and dignity. On the other hand, the AACC’s mission is designed to assist its members in better serving of their clients and congregants, as well as, improving the work of Christianity counseling around the world.  Furthermore, it is also aimed at bringing the honor to Jesus Christ, and to promote success in Christian counseling and bring unity to Christian counselors.  In both mission descriptions, there is the issue of promoting their counseling members, which is one of the key similarities in both.  In addition, both ACA and AACC promote moral and ethical principles, which are paramount for any kind of society that needs to live in a peaceful co-existence.  As not enough, both ACA, as well as, AACC counselors have the same obligation regarding individual responsibility towards understanding their client’s problems.  Through the training, they both undertake in their respectful associations they are expected to deliver their proficiency in solving client’s challenges. It is the responsibility of the counselors in both associations, to cater for the welfare of their clients. In both associations, no harm is expected to come from them since their key role is to reduce harm and promote solutions for clients. Furthermore, promotion of human dignity and welfare is fundamental to both associations (AACC pg 4).


AACC strictly promotes a Christian perspective approach for all its counselors while ACA does not specify its jurisdiction upon any particular religion. Additionally, AACC code of ethics is strongly built in the biblical teachings such as Jesus Christ’s revelation in the aged and the fresh Testament in regard to counseling practice, ethics and care provision.   The ACA mission targets promoting professionalism, as well as, promoting respect for human dignity and diversity. When ACA counselors get faced with ethical dilemmas, difficult to solve, they are expected to engage in a carefully considered ethical decision making process while in AACC counselors faced with such challenges should ask for God’s grace to solve them matter.Section two: The specific areas chosen are Competence confidentiality and danger. In the area, of competence AACC challenges competence since in the past questionable, and incompetence practices among Christian counselor had deteriorated and client’s complained of parishioner harm. In ACA, there is no concern about incompetency on that nature. On the issue of confidentiality, ACA provides a description/guidance of roles for client counselor relationships while also in AACC there is guidance on the same although inform of a warning. Danger is expressed in AACC which had occurred on the client as a result of being mishandled by the counselor. In ACA, early warning gets prepared and the counselor is warned about the danger anticipated.


In comparing the two organizations codes of ethics, we found out that the similarities almost equal the differences. The main outstanding difference was the Christian orientation of AACC compared to ACA’s none religion affiliation.  Furthermore, in both organizations the issue of respect and dignity to clients emerged in both associations. Professionalism and promotion of unity and co-existence were emphasized by both organizations’ guiding principles. In comparing the dangers involves in counseling AACC emerge to be enormously critical on resolving the issues of danger to prospective clients.


Ohlschlager, George (2004) American Association of Christian Counselors: AACC code of ethics Pg 1-35

American counseling Association (ACA, 2005) ACA codes of Ethics retrieved on 11/11/12 from

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