Conflict Resolution

   Delinquent behaviors among the adolescents are common phenomena since they are confronted with new challenges in their transition to adulthood. It is important for a counselor to understand the social-psychological aspects of inter group conflict. Such a conflict is depicted among the delinquent adolescent boys who occur due to group identities and their differing interests. Other reasons why an inter group conflict may arise is due to the fact that the members may be having difference of behaviors and attitudes that are antagonistic.  This will then mean that the two parties may be incompatible leading to difference on values, powers, and needs compared to satisfaction and conflicts. Inter group conflicts are normally characterized by these aspects in one or various ways.

The incompatibilities can lead to destructive conflicts among the revival groups in processes within the cognitive and perceptual. Such trends of categorizations normally end up in the creation of favoritism among the in groups. It also encourages stereotyping which is negative among the conflicting groups. This arises from the individual members as they raise their positive characteristic and excuse their negative aspects. All the aspects escalate conflicts which arise from cognitive rigidity, selfish prophecies, biasness, and witty comments. This results to structural and psychological changes leading to parties refusing de-escalation.

A counselor has the responsibility of managing group conflicts with much effort and devotion of time. After understanding the source of conflict, a counselor has to address both the subjective and objective elements for de-escalation to occur effectively. Intervention should happen in stages and the use of different approaches and methods. The complexity of the situation should also be considered and this is why it is required to begin by first analyzing the conflict… The resolution of conflict requires a change in processes and subjective relationship. It also will require a change in systems and the objective structures.

As a counselor assistant, I have to follow the required steps to ensure conflict resolution.  The first is analysis of the conflict followed by confrontation then resolution. Analysis of the conflict means the identification of needs, underlying issues, values, fears, and goals of each group.  This is a process which allows the building of trust and mutual clarification between the conflicting parties.

Confrontation is the second step to be conducted.  Here, I will enable the parties to engage in direct communication about the issues that are dividing them.  Confrontation is also a chance for the parties to suggest mutual solutions. A collaborative strategy must be followed by the members.

Resolving a conflict involves the transformation of the bad relationship in to a positive one.  Resolving a conflict means developing a sustainable and self correcting measure to be used by each of the boys in conflicting parties.  To achieve this goal, basic human needs have to be addressed and suggesting an environment that supports equity of and equality of everybody in the social setting.  Polices of democratic pluralism and multi- culturelizataion should be implemented to reduce future arising of conflicts that are destructive.

The policies should be incorporated into the rules of the institution and should also be guided by the local norm. Such norms include interaction of the boys from the conflicting parties and in working together in institution activities such as recreation activities, education and chores.  This encourages team work and cooperation. This leads to reduction of cases of inter group conflict within the institution.

To a counselor, it is always very tasking and complex processes to resolve inter group conflicts. A counselor requires third party facilitators who are multi skilled in group facilitation, interpersonal communication, and system level consulting and inter group solving of problems.


Fisher, R (2000) Inter group Conflict, in Deutsch, Morton and Peter T. Coleman, eds. The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice San Francisco, CA: Josses-Bass Publishers, p  166-184.

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