Coronary Artery Disease or CAD

Coronary Artery Disease or CAD

The patient is a 52 year old Irish American male. For this condition, several questions are frequently asked. Is chest pain a heart condition?  What are the causes of chest pains?  What are the uncommon chest symptoms of chest pain in patients? How does one differentiate angina from the heart attack?

It is not always that chest pain is a heart condition. It is possible for a person to have chest pain that is not related to one’s heart. In case of a chest pain, one should seek for significant family history for instances of heart disease, hypertension, social history like tobacco addiction, and high cholesterol or obesity (NLM, 2012).

The heart needs more blood and oxygen to function compared to other parts. Shortage of oxygen supply to the heart result to chest pain. Scarce delivery of blood to the heart is caused by blood vessels constriction or plagues. Patient should be assessing physically to look for diminished breath sound throughout, heart beats and carotids. The abdomen should also be examined for obesity signs.

The occupation of the patient should be used to evaluate whether the patient is subjected to activities likely to affect the chest. Lab tests on total patient cholesterol, diagnosis for depression and anxiety and CAD are indispensable for the learner to differentiate chest pain from the heart attack.


The presenting patient is a 65 year female. Several frequently asked questions are relevant in diagnosing the condition effectively. What are the causes of dry coughs and low fever grade? How can one differentiate a dry cough from allergy, acute bronchitis and upper respiratory infection? Is low grade fever a symptom of TB?

Dry coughs are caused by numerous factors, which include asthma, acute bronchitis, GERD or Gastroesophageal reflex disease, viral or respiratory infection and cancerous growth in the lungs (NCBI, 2011). Learners should examine the history of patient illness for other symptoms like dry cough, conciseness of breath and appetite loss. The therapeutic record of the patient should also be examined for asthma, allergies and hysterectomy.

The family medical history should also be examined to rule out conditions like asthma, postnasal drip, allergies and drip (NCBI, 2011). Family history should be examined for cancer and diseases like osteoporosis, drug or alcohol use, and smoking. Patient should be examined for her awareness of her condition.

Assessment activities include temperature level, pulse rate, and body mass index to explore her weight. Assessment should also be done to determine the color of the mucus in the cough for HEENT. Lungs should be assessed for rate of breath sounds, and chest wall ratio.

Peptic ulcer disease

Patient is a 60 year old male presenting a 24 hour pain history. Frequently asked questions: does the pain focus on or radiate from the umbilical cord from or to other parts? Are there incidents of food poisoning?  Is there history of stomach problems and what were they?

The learner must seek the patient’s medical health for peri-umbilical or umbilical pain and stomach problems in the past. Patient should also be examined for drugs used for treatment and their impacts (Anand, 2012). The examination of the patient should also seek for other ailments including Appendectomy and heartburn.

Through the examination of family history, the learner can link the patient’s condition to that in the family history (Anand, 2012). Essential information about patient’s nutritional status should be sought to determine causes based on food poisoning and others.

Assessment activities include abdominal pain upon palpitation, nature of the pain and whether pain is peri- or radiating from the umbilical cord. Rectum assessment should be carried out to determine the nature of the stool.

Urinary track infection

Patient is a 60 year old Hispanic male. For two years, the patient has decreased urinary flow. Frequently asked questions include: how can one differentiate between urinary track infection and enlarged postulate gland? What is the treatment for decreased urinary flow?

Men are mostly affected with urine hesitancy owing to the enlargement of the postulate as one age. Enlarged postulates pinch the urethra causing more sensitive and thicker bladder muscles. Urinary track infection is a bacterial infection affecting men at any age.

Patient history of surgery or hospitalization should be examined to rule out instances of surgery related urine hesitancy (Article Base, 2008).  The occupation and lifestyle of the patient should be examined to eliminate any linked causes. Patient should also be examined for his knowledge of his health condition.

Further assessment activities are abdomen, rectum and genital or pelvic assessment. These activities will help discover the presence of obesity and obesity related diseases like hypertension. Rectum assessment will provide information on prostrate glands enlargement or urinary track infection. The patient is suffering from age related enlarged postulate glands.

Low back pain with radiation into buttocks and numbness and tingling in the right toes

The patient is a 40 year old Asian American male. In order to treat the patient with Sciatic nerves, several questions should be answered. What elevates that pain? Is the pain persistent or intermittent? Does the patient suffer from any allergies? Sciatica nerve begins from the spinal cord extending amid the lower back bone and buttocks muscles. Pain increases when one bends or lifts heavy objects.

Learners should seek for information about patient’s occupation, past medical history, significant family history and awareness of patient about his condition (Meyers, 2010). The findings of these learning activities will define the causes, nature, extent and diagnosis of the patient’s condition.

Other assessment activities include mental status assessment for alertness, intactness of cranial nerves II and XII, motor strength and lower extremities assessment for pains or extension resistance by the legs.


Anand, B., (2012). Peptic ulcer disease. Retrieved from
Article base, (2008). Dealing with weak urine system. Retrieved from
Meyers, H., (2010). What are the treatments for nerve damage? Retrieved from
National Center for biotechnology, NCBI, (2011). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Retrieved from
 National Library of medicine, NLM, (2012). Coronary artery disease. Retrieved from

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