Course Of Implementing E-Learning Strategies

Saeed, N., Yang Y., & Sinnappan, S. (2009) Emerging Web technologies in Higher Education: A Case of Incorporating Blogs, Podcasts and Social Bookmarks in a Web Programming Course based on Students’ Learning Styles and Technology Preferences. Education Technology & Society, 12 (4), 98-109

The purpose of the research presented in this article is to find out the relationship between students’ learning styles and their preferences for institutional strategies which include the use of web technologies. A survey was conducted to investigate students’ learning styles and their technology preferences. The sample consisted of 204 students while the participants who carried out the research were studying towards the completion of Bachelor’s or Mater’s degree in Information Technology.The findings of the research study indicated that verbal style was the learning style frequently used by students. Moreover, the finding indicated that students nowadays are flexible in terms of stretching their learning styles to accommodate a wide variety of teaching methods available.

These students are ready to experience new technologies in their study routines and are very much willing to combine multiple communication channels in the learning process.The conclusion that the researchers came up with is logical. This is due to the fact that the research process was successful in examining the technology preference of various types of learners as well as combining web technologies in the learning process.One of the drawbacks worth noting is that only students with scientific backgrounds were involved in the research process. Solid and more reliable findings would be obtained if students from both scientific and non-scientific backgrounds were included in the research study. This would give a clear understanding of the relationship among various student types and their technological preferences.

Watts, J. H. (2008) Challenges of supervising part-time PhD students: towards student-centered practice. Teaching in Higher Education, 13 (3), 369-373

The research presented in this article is aimed at finding out the various challenges experienced when supervising part-time PhD students. There is also a presentation on the approaches that can be used to support these students through focusing on planning, empathy and communication themes. A research on part time students was conducted and the findings indicated that these students could be drawn from higher education institutions and even the academic staff. The supervisors and supervisees have to develop some adaptive behaviors in order to have an interaction that is renegotiated by academic boundaries.

The findings also indicated that that one of the key challenges faced by part-time PhD students is the strain of having to adjust psychologically to the constant switching from one mindset to the other. The other issues are those relating to presence and distance which makes developing supervisory relationship extremely challenging. Research evident showed that part-time students tend to be isolated and given less attention compared to full-time students. Isolation and disconnection prevent progress in part-time PhD students.The solutions to supporting part-time students and effectively supervising them include maintaining good communication with part-time students, planning and scheduling and empathizing with these students. The findings and conclusions of this research are sound since the various challenges facing part-time students were identified. The elements of supervision practice have been clearly presented. These elements are communication, planning and empathy.

MacKeogh, K., & Fox, S. (2009) Strategies for Embedding e-Learning in Traditional Universities: Drivers and Barriers. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 7 (2), 147-154

The aim of the research study presented in this article is to find out how e-learning can be embedded in traditional universities so that it can contribute to the transformation of the University. The main drivers of embedding e-learning into higher education programs are national policies in addition to priorities with regard to social and economic development. Hence, the research clearly examined the pressures behind the adoption of e-learning in higher education systems.Literary sources indicate that one of the key drivers underlying the embedding of e-learning into education system is the need for accessible and flexible access to tertiary education in order to meet the societal changing nature. The other driver is the need to upgrade skills in the population in order to meet the challenge of information and knowledge in the society.

The study involved examination of the e-learning process in different countries. Results from various institutions in thirteen countries indicated that on-campus learning was the key rationale for adopting e-learning. There was also an indication that distance learning had an insignificant contribution to the adoption of e-learning in several institutions.The findings obtained through surveying different institutions in different countries are logical and would be helpful to a small traditional university attempting to transform its teaching and learning methods so that they can meet the increasing demands for modernization and change in higher education.The conclusion is sound since it gives solid facts. Though strategies for embedding e-learning into an education system have been presented, it is evident that there are some challenges and obstacles involved in implementing the strategies. It is logical that the research mentions the fact that some challenges will be faced in the course of implementing e-learning strategies.

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