Creative Thinking
Part 1
My mother is a solid rock that is never shaken by storms and gales. Even when everyone else is being blown around by certain aspects of human turmoil’s she stands up tall and embraces us all thus shielding us from danger.
Families that have strong mothers are hardy ships in stormy seas which are never affected by the clashing waves.
The words of a mother are hopeful and sweet as they are meant to guide, as well as, direct her children so that they may not stray.
The love that is portrayed by closely knit families is a sea of goodness and protection where every member scoops any amount for personal consumption. Similarly, all are welcome to replenish their jars from this pool when their reserves run low after sharing the same with others.
Our future is a silver line that we can only see from a distance as it never gets to be the present. By the time it becomes present, there is no us and we are swept to the horizons (University of Phoenix Material 2010).
Part 11
The rain follows a natural order such that water vapor evaporates from the ground; it rises to the atmosphere, cools and condenses before falling back as rain.
The other natural order pattern is that of a person’s life pattern. Human beings are born, they grow into infancy, adolescence, teenage and adulthood where they give birth to young ones and eventually they die (University of Phoenix Material 2010).
University of Phoenix Material (2010), Creative Thinking and Natural/Mental Orders Worksheet retrieved on August 28, 2010 from: -.
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