Crisis Management Situations

Plane crash at San Diego

Plane crash at San Diego is one of the crisis management situations which require to be addressed so as to prevent such situations from occurring. In respect to this situation, the organization that will be affected is San Diego Airport. In one way or the other the situation is somehow threat to the organization. The issue of the plane crash brings a lot of implications and questions which can be discussed locally and internationally. Management of the activities seems to be poor thus this can create a market loss to the organization simply because customers will fear using services provided by the organization, (Coombs, 2007).

As a result of the plane crash, some panic aspects are associated with the entire work environment where workers and those to travel have different approaches of the situation. In the first place the airport requires having a contingency plan in place so as to ready with any type of crisis that might occur in the process of work execution. Just like any other organization, the plane crash crisis should be discussed by the team which is associated with crisis issues. The work of crisis management is to provide an environment that will control the element of surprise of the crisis, (Shrivastava, 2007).

Reacting to the situation requires an approach which will not bring in effect to the organization and the environment at large. The time frame of the situation which be short as possible but it should be planned enough so as to clearly deal with some issues which might affect the situation to worsen. Management team directed by the manager should deploy the skills that they have in order to control the crash situation thus preventing further panic of workers and other people. This will help to maintain the image of the organization because such a crisis is something that can bring panic in the entire airport working environment, (Smith, Larry, 2002).

Major San Diego Earth Quake

The entire town of San Diego is the organization that is being affected by the occurrence of the earth quake. Earth Quake is highly risky and threat wise to the entire organization simply because with destruction of activities and building that make up the organization, it down develops the entire economy of the town. Physically, earth quake should be protected simply because their occurrence bring lose to the entire environment. If the situation is not dealt with, investors who might think of investing in the place may fear the occurrence of the situation. Earth quake is a threat in so many ways simply because none of the resident will accept to put up a building or an activity that will help the organization to develop. Economically occurrence of the situation hinders so many things due to the risk of being affected, (Shrivastava, 2007).

The element of surprise associated with this situation is that people stay in a shock or fear for they don’t know whether the situation can happen. The town should deploy qualified and experts to release information on measures that should be taken so as permanent or control the situation of the earth quake. Living with suspicion that an occurrence can arise is quite un-strategic simply because there is no constructive activity that can be deployed, (Smith, Larry, 2002).

Incase such a situation like the earth quake happens; each and every person is stuck and panics to a point of no help. The town requires a special team which should be aimed to deal with the problem as fast as it can. Waiting the situation to worsen is one of the main dangers that any given team of crisis management should do since it will affect the environment in so many ways.

Flooding of a town or city

Consider a situation where the floods affect a town. The organization to be affected by the floods is not the only one which are located in that place, but the entire network that is liked to the town. Floods in most cases make residences panic and at time get confused of what they are required to do. Also the network liked organizations will also suffer simply because there are no services or products that they get from the entire town. This is a great lose to the town and to other branches that serve and be served by the town, (Hellsloot, 2009).

Issues on prediction of floods should be dealt with simply because the element of surprise here is what will happen if the situation continues. The work of the crisis management team is developing strategies on how they can deal with the situation without effecting minds of the residents. Individuals panic is who the flood will end and what levels of destruction will it have deployed. One main approach should be taken is to have a strategy on how issues relating to floods should be dealt with thus creating an environment where residents don’t panic, (Smith, Larry, 2002).

The period of response should be the minimal. Crisis team which has been deployed to over see such issues should know that the more the delay the worse the situation is and the high the panic to individuals is increasing, (Shrivastava, 2007).


Coombs, W. T. (2007). Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and         Responding (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Hellsloot, I. (2009). “Review of “The politics of crisis management: Public leadership      under pressure” by A. Boin, P. Hart, E. Stern and B. Sundelius”. Journal of    Contingencies and Crisis Management

Shrivastava, P. (2007). Bhopal: Anatomy of a Crisis. Ballinger Publishing Company

Smith, Larry; Dan Millar, PhD (2002). Crisis Management and Communication; How to            Gain and Maintain Control (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: International       Association of Business Communicators.

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