

Delegation refers to the entrustment of responsibilities to other people (Lussier, 2009). It is among the most essential elements of management in that it facilitates for high levels of efficiency. The delegation of tasks must also include the entrustment of responsibilities. The most effective management styles encompass a clear framework for delegation. Supervisors and managers delegate responsibilities at the workplace as a result of several factors. Firstly, delegation helps in realizing the employee’s potential. An employee is less likely to work to his or her potential under conditions of constant supervision. Under these kinds of conditions, the employees simply wait for instructions from the manager or supervisor. This undermines the employee’s capacity to exploit his or her potential. The second rationale for delegation pertains to the perspective of motivation at the workplace. Employees can hardly deliver without adequate motivation (Lussier, 2009).

Through the delegation of responsibilities, the manager shows his or her value for the employees. Additionally, the delegation of responsibilities also enhances the efficacy of the decision making process within an organization. Different employees have different types of skills and technical intelligence. These attributes are essential in the decision making process. This justifies the integration of delegation into a supervisor’s style of management. Delegation also helps in enhancing the flow of information within an organization. Effective communication channels help in streamlining the performance of an organization.

Example of Delegation

An example of delegation encompasses the job of emptying the garbage bin in a small-scale organization. The manager delegates the responsibility of emptying the bin to one member of the subordinate staff. After delegation, it is the employee’s responsibility to determine how frequently he or she should empty the garbage bin. Consequently, the manager does not have to keep reminding the employee about the task.


Lussier, R. & Achua, C. F. (2009). Leadership: Theory & skill development, Mason, OH:South-Western

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