
     Joe has been seeking counseling services from Dr. Richards for one year. Dr. Richards provided counseling services to Joe as Joe suffered from depression. Depression is a mental disorder that affects patients negatively. Dr. Richards has provided counseling to Joe for one year and he knows that Joe is doing well, but Joe has been bringing up minor problems that are not related to his condition. There are various reasons why Joe is bringing up minor problems. First, Joe has become used to the counseling services. This makes it difficulty for Joe to live an independent life. Second, Joe thinks that Dr. Richards will be able to solve his problems and help him live a normal life. In addition, Joe thinks that Dr. Richards will satisfy him by meeting his needs. The factors above have made it easy for Joe to bring up minor problems as he wants Dr. Richards to solve them. Though, DR. Richards thinks that Joe is strong enough to live independently, Joe does not have similar thoughts. Thus, he constantly seeks for help from the doctor (Nelson-Jones, 2000).

Dr. Richards has different thoughts and emotions. First, Doctor Richards feels bored as Joe does not want to live an independent life. He thinks that Joe is disturbing him and wasting his time as he can solve the minor problems on his own. Dr. Richards feels emotionally disturbed and gets annoyed when Joe brings up the minor issues during the counseling processed. Dr. Richards can terminate the counseling process gradually by reducing the counseling time. For example, if Dr. Richards was providing counseling services for one hour, then he should reduce the time to thirty minutes. This will help prevent Joe from bring up minor issues. It will also prevent the doctor from hurting Joe (Nelson-Jones, 2000).


Nelson-Jones, R. (2000).Six key approaches to counselling and theraphy. Continuum

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