devry nr228 week 2 Exam Affirmation

Purpose The purpose of this document is to acknowledge your ability to download ExamGuard properly through completion of both ExamGuard Practice tests during Unit/Week One (1) and document understanding of exam policies and exam schedule. ExamGuard must be successfully downloaded in order for students to take the scheduled course examinations. Exam Requirements All prelicensure nursing courses require a 76 percent cumulative weighted average on exam grades before additional assignments are calculated into the grade. In the case where a 76 percent cumulative weighted average on exam grades is not achieved, the final course grade is based entirely on the exam-score average. Due Date Sunday (Day 7) of Unit/Week One (1) by 11:59PM Mountain Time (MT) Total Points Possible Zero (0) Points Submission Course Dropbox Requirements & Directions 1. Students should test their Technical Requirements for the computer being used for exams. a. Access eLearning Platform (”> b. Select “Technical Requirements” on the main eLearning Platform page. (”>http://help.eLearning c. Review “Computer Operating System & Browser Requirements” i. Select Browser Settings ii. Select Browser Check 1. Run the Browser Check 2. Return to main eLearning Platform page (”> 3. Login into the eLearning Platform landing page to access the course. 4. Access the Examinations Tab located directly below Unit/Week 8 on the left side of the course homepage. 5. Click on ExamGuard Practice Exam 1 and Download ExamGuard a. Students must ensure ExamGuard is downloaded properly on the computer to be used for the exam(s). 6. Complete the first (1st) and second (2nd) ExamGuard Practice tests located under the Examinations Tab on the computer to be used for the exam(s). 7. All students MUST complete BOTH ExamGuard Practice tests for ALL individual online courses bySunday (Day 7) of Unit/Week One (1) by 11:59PM Mountain Time (MT). a. While completing the ExamGuard practice tests, students are required to contact the eLearning Platform Help Desk to resolve any technical issues. 8. Students must review the Exam Circumstances Policy to clarify understanding of policies. 9. Students must confirm they have reviewed the posted Exam Schedule in Course Home Announcements. 10. Students will submit their completed Exam Affirmation document to the Dropbox upon completion of practice tests, review of the exam circumstance policy and posted Exam Schedule. 11. Students who experience technical issues while attempting to complete their actual exam and who have not completed either practice exams and submitted their exam affirmation document to the Dropbox will forfeit their opportunity to have any technical issues reviewed by their course faculty. 12. Students MUST complete both practice exams for ALLonline courses in which they are enrolled that have examinations.Students are required to submit this affirmation document with their electronic signature and date to the Dropbox bySunday (Day 7) of Unit/Week One (1) by 11:59PM Mountain Time (MT). Week 1 Exam Practice Exam Affirmation: By signing the below Statement of Affirmation, I am confirming the following have been completed: 1. Both ExamGuard practice tests were completed. 2. I have reviewed and understand the Exam Circumstance Policy. 3. I have reviewed and understand the posted Exam Schedule in Course Home Announcements. 4. I have submitted the Exam Affirmation document to the Dropbox. *Any purposeful deception in the submission of this document is considered cheating and is a violation of academic integrity. If future technical issues arise while completing an online exam, I will: 1. Contact the eLearning Platform Help Desk (1.866.613.8622). 2. Work to resolve related technical issues directly with the Help Desk. 3. Obtain a help desk ticket number. 4. Communicate help desk ticket number and outcome of Help Desk communication to the faculty responsible for managing exams immediately. Statement of Affirmation: Electronic Signature Date

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