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Purpose: The study examines E- marketing and factors that affect electronic marketing such as customer, product quality, trust and advertisement. The factors have a positive effect on electronic marketing and they can be manipulated. Manipulating the factors improve organizational performance.

 Methodology: A case study method helps understand the application of E- marketing in business. Several organizations have implemented E- marketing and benefited from electronic marketing. The small service tree company implemented electronic commerce and registered high sales and growth.

 Findings: The research findings show that electronic marketing can transform organizationsand make them productive. It can improve sales in organizations. However, organizations should understand the relationship between electronic marketing, customer, product quality, trust and advertisement to be successful.

 Research limitations: Research has no control over some variables and events. This affects internal and external validity of the research. The findings from the case studies might not be applicable in other case studies.

 Practical implication: The research has implications on use of electronic marketing in organizations. It will change how small and large businesses carry out internet marketing. This will increase sales and make them competitive.

 Originality/ value: The research is important to business owners and managers of small and large businesses. It provides essential information that can transform business performance. It helps organizations adopt internet marketing instead of convectional marketing as it is useful.

 E- Marketing or internet marketing entails marketing products and services over the internet.  The growth in internet technology has changed how companies market their products and services.  Electronic market entails the application of marketing principles and methods through the internet (Alexander, James, & Schibriwsky, 2007).  Electronic marketing involves direct response marketing elements and indirect marketing elements.  Electronic marketing utilizes different kinds of technologies to connect companies to their customers to assist in selling products and services.

Electronic marketing has changed the way organizations conduct business around the world. Many organizations have adopted electronic marketing because of the benefits associated with electronic marketing. However, many organizations have integrated electronic marketing in their organizations without determining whether it is suitable for their business. In order to understand whether electronic marketing is suitable for their business organizations should be aware of its advantage and disadvantages. Electronic marketing enables organizations to reach a wide range of customers around the globe(Timira, 2010).

Electronic marketing ensures the businesses is marketed internationally and not confined to a certain region. Local reach of an organization implies less exposure while a global reach implies global exposure (Rafl, Gerrit, Jehoshua& et al, 2012).  Electronic marketing enables customers to access a wide range of products and services from various organizations.  This gives customers an opportunity to select products and services that meet their expectations. Further, electronic marketing increases sales and profit in an organization as the organization reaches diverse customers and targets different markets.  Electronic marketing is less expensive compared to conventional methods of marketing (Roger & Hugh, 2009).

Internet marketing enables organizations to reach a large number of target audiences with less cost (Naimi, 2011). Organizations use a small fraction of the advertising budget to reach different customers.  Internet gives customers an opportunity to research products and buy products and services easily. Hence, companies have an advantage of appealing to customers in a medium that can give results quickly. Also, markets can measure statistics easily and cheaply as they can access all aspects of electronic marketing campaign. However, internet marketing makes it difficult for the customer to feel the product physically and hence limits certain products.

In addition, markets do not utilize the x factor, personal or human touch factor to influence customers as the marketing s based on advertisement. Lastly, internet fraud affects electronic marketing as one is not able to differentiate a genuine product from a product that is not genuine. Most of the internet products are scams or a marketed with deception, and this makes it hard to know genuine product.  Information security affects marketing and buying of products online. Information security is essential for companies and consumers purchasing and marketing products online.

Consumers prefer not to purchase products online due to lack of privacy and confidentiality. The customers are not certain of privacy and confidentiality of personal information.  Customers do not know when companies share their information or are unable to prevent information sharing. As a result, many companies marketing their products and services online have improved information security to attract customers (Phapruke & Phaithun, 2011).  The companies ensure the information given by customers is confidential and private. Thus, companies should enhance information security so as to realize the advantages of internet marketing (Javaduan, Samin, Sabbir & et al, 2012).

 E-Marketing goal
The goal of electronic marketing is to enable companies to sell products and services online and customers to buy them anytime.  In addition, internet marketing enables customers to buy products and services from their setting. Also, internet marketing gives customers a chance to see all products and their styles.

 Customers have a positive effect on electronic marketing.  The perception and attitude customers have towards electronic marketing of the products and services determine their ability to buy products.   Customers support electronic marketing by purchasing the products sold. They can buy a variety of products anytime anywhere (Ravi, Anupam & Mittal, 2008).

Trust has a positive effect on electronic marketing. Customers engage on online transactions if they have trust or trust the company. In order or electronic marketing to be successful, customers should trust the company, products and services marketed (Wilikens, Masera, & Chawdhry, 2002).

 Product Quality
Product quality has a positive effect on internet marketing as promoting quality products ensures the electronic marketing is successful.  The quality of product determines the ability for customers to purchase the products. Customers purchase quality products as they meet their needs and thus marketing quality products increases customer base (Mindaugas & Romeris, 2009).

Advertising has a positive effect on electronic marketing as it helps promote products and services via ads purchased in online sources.  An excellent advertising strategy increases sales and customers. The advertisements target different customers and are designed based on the needs of the group (Mindaugas & Romeris, 2009).

 Research method
  Case studies help understand electronic marketing including its advantages and disadvantages. Several companies have implemented internet marketing and realized the benefits of internet marketing.   Small tree Services Company in Denver registered low sales of about $50,000 before implementing e- marketing. Jim did not have sufficient knowledge to grow his company and this affected the company growth. However, the sales increased to over $1 million annually, and his site dominated the first page of Google for his market. In addition, he got 200-300 leads in a month through the site (Poon & Stawman, 1997).

 Moreover, Taiwanese engineer benefited a lot from internet marketing. The engineer uploaded 124 photographs he had taken in Greece on his site and the site became popular.  The pictures he had uploaded on his site became famous and made the site successful.  The website helped market tourism in Greece through the photographs.  The website produced  aspiration and action  in more than 45% of the  followers (Lina & Huangb, 2006).

 Importance of the model
The growth in internet technology has improved marketing of products and services as organizations use the internet to promote their products (Roger & Hugh, 2009). However, many organizations including small businesses and big businesses do not understand the importance of internet marketing to their business (Ngai, 2003). This was evidenced in the small tree service company as Jim did not know the importance of internet marketing to its business. Managers and business owners do not know how to integrate internet technology in their business and promote growth (Joseph, Regina, Lynne, M., & et al, 2004).

This has affected growth of businesses and productivity. It has slowed business growth and reduced sales as companies are unable to reach many customers in different places. Also, the managers do not analyze their sales and hence do not develop appropriate strategies.  This has hindered businesses from competing with their competitors in the industry.  Therefore, the electronic marketing model helps managers understand the importance of internet marketing.  It helps them realize internet marketing benefits (Mastacan, 2009).

 Further, managers do not understand the relationship between customer, product quality, trust, advertising and electronic marketing.  This has affected business growth, customer base and sales in the organization. Understanding the relationship between the factors and internet marketing helps improve interne marketing and hence sales.  According to the model each of the factors has a positive impact on internet marketing (Avlonitis & Karayanni, 2000).

Advertising affects internet marketing positively. Advertising entails creating ads to market products to diverse customers. The ads created depend on the target customers including needs, preference and behaviors.  Organizations should understand their customer needs, behaviors and preferences before creating advertisements. They should carry out a customer analysis before marketing their products and services.

However, most managers do not understand the relationship between advertisement and internet marketing. Thus, they are unable to manipulate advertisement to improve the internet marketing and enhance organizational performance. In addition to that, trust affects internet marketing as customer trust is vital in ensuring internet marketing is successful (Seines, 1995). Managers should establish trust with customers and maintain it.  Trust affects customers’ ability to buy. Customers transact online if they trust company and products offered (Steinfeld, Kraut & Plummer, 1995).

Companies can improve their internet marketing by improving trust between them and customers. Moreover, product quality affects internet marketing as customers purchase quality goods. Advertising poor quality products affects the effectiveness of the internet marketing. Customers can influence internet marketing through buying and trust. Thus, the model enables managers and business owners understand the relationship between the factors and internet marketing and how they can manipulate them to improve business success (Alan, Beverly & Victoria, 2000).

In conclusion, internet marketing has proved useful in helping organizations achieve their goals. Organizations that have marketed their products over the internet have remained competitive and productivity (Deniss & Elina, 2010). The companies have experienced rapid growth and increased their sales. Further, the companies have increased the number of customers and profit. However, some organizations have not benefited from internet marketing and advancement in internet technology.

The organizations have not integrated internet technology in their marketing activities and have performed poorly.  Lack of knowledge on the relationship between customers, product quality, trust and advertisement and internet marketing has affected the organizations badly. It has slowed organizational growth and sales (Rita, Lages & Lages, 2003). The electronic marketing model above shows the relationship between the factors and helps companies manipulate them to be productive (Dayananda, Kenneth, Rajendra & et al, 2002).

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