Expert Consulting Group (ECG) is a growing consulting company for information technology services that intends to expand its business through an initial public offering (IPO) of common stock. For the company to grow and run smoothly there is need for development of a code of conduct which will expansively cover anticipated or potential ethical and other compliance issues. This essay covers the general business conduct and sales and marketing practices that will be important for ECG to achieve its goals.

For Expert Consulting Group to operate effective all the employees must observe utmost honesty with the management and among themselves. All the staff will be held responsible of anything they say or write in the company’s reports and publications. They must work under maximum responsibility without negligence of duty. Any staff who will be suspected of dishonesty and the allegations proved beyond any level of doubt will be subjected to two months salary withdrawal, one month suspension, and if the results of the dishonesty are adverse, the employee will be suck and prosecuted, (Moody, 2008).

The ECG employees will be expected to be time conscious. The reporting time of all general employees shall be 8.00 am and no one should be late for more than five minutes. If unavoidable lateness is predicted, the staff must inform the Attendance of Officer well in advance through phone. Three breaks will be observed in the company, from 10.00am to 10.30am, from 1.00pm to 2.00pm, and from 4.00pm to 4.30pm. All normal working days shall close at 6.00pm. Any person found violating the company’s time schedules shall be liable of 2% salary deduction for every 15 minutes wasted.

In addition, the employees will be expected to complete their duties in the stipulated time allocations. No delays should be experienced in delivering of services to the clients, and all company reports must be submitted to the management in time. Weekly reports must be ready before 2.00pm on every Friday to facilitate company’s progress assessment.

The code of dressing in the company shall be official suits for all employees above grade G, while the rest are expected to have decent clothing that depict a good impression for the company. Field and workshop officers shall have their aprons on throughout the working hours. Jeans and min-skirts above knee level shall not be permitted with the ECG premises and any one caught violating this policy shall be liable to 3% salary reduction for that month.

Job promotions in the company shall be on the basis of merit, experience, and recorded productivity. Any official suspected of following any irregularity to obtain a job promotion thorough bribery or any other means will be demoted immediately, or even fired. The staff must show respect to each other be it in the same level, senior or junior. All employees must apply logical thinking before doing any command from a senior. If a scandal is revealed in any department, both the seniors and the juniors in the department shall be held accountable, (Smit & Malan, 2001).

Another important area to be considered in the code of conduct is the sales and marketing practices. The company shall strictly follow the legal procedures and ethics set by the government, other regulatory bodies and ECG. No commercial deals will be made between ECG and any unauthorized business or company. The ECG Law Department shall extensively study the legality of any potential business partner before the company can enter into any business contracts with it.

Commercial bribery will not be entertained by the company and all transactions made must be well agreed upon by the management board. The reports of all external transactions shall be published and availed to the shareholders during every annual meeting. Payments from the company shall be by check and the Chief Executive, the Procurement Officer, and the two company accountants must make part of official signatory of the transaction.

All international transactions will have to abide by the local government commercial policies as well as by the foreign nation’s commercial policies. Any conflict arising therein shall be solved though consultations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, and the judiciary. The company shall bid for government tenders and contracts as per the local policies on tenders and policies. No political intervention shall be incorporated in acquiring of government tenders and any suspected alliance between influential politicians and senior staff in ECG will attract their demotion or employment termination, (Moody, 2008).

Basic human rights shall be observed in the company and the employees’ grievances shall be put in considerations and appropriate actions shall be taken. No employee shall be allowed to harass another or a client verbally, physically, or emotionally. Suggestion boxes shall be mounted at strategic points in the company to allow all persons the opportunity to air their problems, suggestions and proposals.

In conclusion, if these business ethics and policies shall be enacted effectively by the Ethics Review Committee of ECG and followed completely by member in the company, ECG will realize its dream of global expansion and will acquire the anticipated Government Allies and secure a foothold in federal government contracts.


Smit & Malan(2001). Ethics and leadership in business and politics: Juta and Company Ltd, 2001

Moody (2008). Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings: Cengage Learning, 2008

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