Effects of Model T by Ford on the lives of common Americans
Effects of Model T by Ford on the lives of common Americans
Having been born on the 30th of June 1863, Henry Ford’s inventions have great effect on the lives of common Americans right from the time he invented the Quadricycle in 1896. In this paper, the main intention is to discuss the effects of Ford’s first car for the multitude named Model T in 1903 through Ford Motor Company.To the ordinary man in America back then, the invention marked the Motor age. Some locals bought the car for luxury purposes while others had it as a means of transportation. To the ordinary citizens, the invention of the model T was a major contribution to the entertainment industry. This is because; citizens would visit annual automobile parades for and get entertained.With revolutionized techniques of manufacturing cars, huge gains arose out of productivity and to the ordinary citizens who worked in Ford’s company, he announced increased pays. This meant twice the amount paid to employees in other car manufacturing organisations then. In addition, ford decreased working hours to eight per day and created three shifts per day. With this form of working and integration of techniques for mass production, it was possible for ford to produce a Model T in 24 seconds.In the course of model T production, Ford identified that division of labour was the best way to go through his production process. Eventually, this enabled him to remain the best among his competitors then and was in a position to produce higher number of cars. He also contributed to the world of labour organization in production.
This increased productivity meant that Americans began owning cars and transportation means and entertainment for ordinary American changed for the better. In addition, the patterns through which urbanisation occurred changed for the better. Increased car ownership pressed for the need to have better infrastructure in terms of better roads. In this case, ordinary Americans foresaw establishment of a highway system across the nation.To the ordinary American, it is possible to see Americana in the ford’s museum. This promotes both domestic and foreign tourism and is an income generating project for the American nation.The affordability of Model T to normal citizens had great contributions to the economy and the social lives of people. Of all the nineteenth early 20th century car models, model T has survived steadily as a result of using vanadium steel. In his urge to increase sales, ford sold his cars at fair prices. Additionally, they were easy to drive hence many Americans owned one.Customer preferences were held with high esteem as model T had different models and colours.
This meant that the needs of ordinary Americans were catered for in the production of the cars. In the modern world as well, car models have different colours to fit the taste of ordinary citizens.Since then, Model T has commonly appeared in motor races for entertainment and award wining. For instance, in 1909, ford’s car scored first place in the Seattle race within 22 days covering a total of 4100 miles. Down the years, Ford invented the car an electric starter. The much labour required by the car owner to start the engine by cranking was eliminated. Since then, later vehicle inventions have all along been installed with electric starters. This was a great contribution to life of the Americans.In 1924, the ford managed to drive from New York to San Francisco with Frank Kulilk its driver becoming famous for this drive on Lincoln highway. Being a driver of a ford made Kulick well-known with a legacy still held. Ford’s inventions were a great contribution to the Americans who celebrated Ford Motor Company’s 100 year in 2003. To date, Model T by ford are highly valued for contributions to the American motor industry hence awarded the century car award in 1999.
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