Effects of Psychoactive Drugs

Effects of Psychoactive Drugs

Substance abuse is a practice many young people indulge in due to several influences. Some people abuse drugs as a result of peer pressure, anxiety among other reasons. Majority of the drugs young people take get to be addictive and expensive. No wonder drug traffickers make so much money through illegal drug peddling.

Drugs can be segmented into dissimilar categories such as; depressants, stimulants, opioids and hallucinogens. Stimulants are drugs useful in boosting mental alertness, as well as reducing the need for sleeping. Furthermore, this drugs induce rush of energy, confidence and euphoria. These substances include; crack, cocaine, cigarettes among others.   Some stimulants like amphetamines and methamphetamines reduce the need for sleep, as well as, lack of appetite and inducing pleasurable rush. As if not enough the narcotic stimulants induce arousal and relaxation, calming effects and mild rush.

On the other hand, depressants such as alcohol and barbiturates reduce mental alertness and reticence (Lewis A.J, Dana2010). Additionally, depressants also lead to concentration impairment and poor judgment coordination and balance. Depressants get to lower mental concentration while stimulants induce the mine with alertness. Opioids such as heroin my temporarily blot out an individual’s problem and also relief pain. Opioidic drugs also stimulate relaxation and euphoric rush just like stimulants do to their consumers.

Hallucinogens induce sensory distortions, as well as, hallucinations and confusion. More so, an individual feels a mysterious excitement, disorientation and difficulty in focusing attention. Hallucinogens also have advance effects of paranoia violent reactions and blind range. These effects differ from those exhibited in stimulants, opioids and depressants. However, on a dissimilar stand, opioids, depressants and stimulants share some effects which include; induction of euphoric rush and pleasurable rush. Hallucinogens lead to an adverse effect of paranoia and disorientation, which leads to violent behaviors.


Lewis A.J, Dana Q.R and Blevins A.G (2010) Substance abuse counseling Pg 55-70, 290Pgs

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