Ellis Island And Angel Island


Table of Contents

            Very few people know of either AngelIsland or Ellis Island. However, those who know of these two islands do not have an idea of the histories of this two islands or what happened at either island. In this text, I will look at the brief histories of both with regard to immigration as well as compare and contrast both with regard to what happened. Lastly, I will look at what takes place at these two places in the current day and age.

Angel Island or Ellis Island

Between the years 1910 and 1040, AngelIsland served as the detention point or station for mostly Chinese immigrants keen on gaining entry to the U.S. However, the periods spent at AngelIsland were not easy for these immigrants. This periods according to Lee et al. (2010), were informed by frightening interrogations that were painfully lengthy and dwelt with trivialities for most of the part. These interrogations were chiefly designed to terrorize the immigrants. Some stone walls in this island have some poems inscribed into them. These poems were etched there by the immigrants and they detail the suffering they underwent. Ellis Island was on the other hand an immigration point for immigrants mainly from Europe who wanted to gain entrance into the United States. In fact, according to Moreno (2003), a close to a third of the American population has their ancestors chiefly from the Ellis Island immigrants.

A look at these two islands gives a wide range of differences as well as similarities. First, both islands acted as immigration stations but they primarily held immigrants fro, different locations. While a majority of immigrants at the Ellis Island were from Europe, most of those at AngelIsland were from Asia. The dates in which both Ellis Island and AngelIsland were opened also differ, i.e. 1892 and 1910 respectively.


Currently, AngelIsland is a popular tourist site where some inscriptions etched on stone walls by the immigrants held up there attract hordes of people from all over the world. Ellis Island continues to be a popular filming location. Some of the successful films that have been filmed at Ellis Island include X-Men.


Lee, E. & Yung, J. (2010). AngelIsland: Immigrant Gateway to America. OxfordUniversityPress, USA

Moreno, B. (2003). Ellis Island. Arcadia Publishing

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