Ethics Awareness Inventory

Ethics Awareness Inventory

In respect to ethics, there is a consensus that there is right and wrong (Plante, 2010). However, every person has a different view of ethics. In fact, persons vary on how they make ethical and moral decisions. This view point centers on character. This implies that to be ethical is much more than performing actions considered ethical. In this respect, the character says much more than judgment based on the quality of human actions. The ethics awareness inventory may not be an accurate assessment of personal, ethical profile. For instance, it is not logical to conclude that one is incapable of making a choice between the basic right and wrong morals. The ethics inventory, however, may give a lead into understanding personal character, in order to inform the nature of relationships to develop in settings including work environments.

The Code of Conduct, Personal Ethics, and Principles

Personal ethics play a significant role in any professional discipline (Lee, 2005). In order to act professionally, one’s actions must be ethical. The abstract roles of a psychologist are to teach, supervise research, mentor, assess, and intervene. These are roles that are not always easy, but complex depending on conditions active in a variety of settings. Psychologists should promote the growth of personal ethics throughout life. In a professional setting, psychologists must continually apply moral decision making and ethical judgment. In addition, they must continue to nurture personal understanding of morality. This is a process that continues to develop and becomes deeply engrained as an individual evolves in the profession. The code of conduct, such as the American Psychological Association (APA) code of conduct, acts as a guideline for ethical rules (Plante, 2005). However, it cannot promote the development of judgment based on personal ethics and morals; it only aids rule following. As proof, many professionals violate the APA code of conduct every year. The offenders often understand the code of ethics by the rules, but not the essence for personal behavior. The persons who lack personal ethics have only rule-following to direct their ethical and professional behavior. In relation to individuals who have personal ethics, written rules such as the code of conduct are of lesser significance than the understanding and value of personal ethics.

Personal, Spiritual, Social, and Organizational Issues

Personal ethics play a crucial role in personal, social, spiritual, and organizational aspects (Lee, 2005). In order to have a spiritual growth, an individual must cultivate ethics rather than goals pertaining to self-righteousness; so as to deepen the understanding of spirituality. In this case, personal values such as integrity, honesty, and wisdom create congruence between personal ethics and spirituality. These are values that must guide behavior rather than rule-following. In relation to social behavior, people operate according to personal beliefs and values. Social behavior evolves in line with the changing understanding of ethics. In practicing psychology, the role that relates to social implication of ethics involves enhancing the capacity of persons to gain wisdom and integrity, and not condemning their arrogance. In relation to organizational issues, ethics is applicable to promoting human interactions based on values such as justice, equality, honesty, and integrity.  Interactions must have an objective of finding quality character in all people and appreciating diversity.

Personal Growth, Health, and Development

Personal ethics is the foundation for personal growth, health, and development (Plante, 2010).  Ethical behavior promotes the quality of personal character, an essential part of human life. The concern for personal growth is not the rules, but how to comply with personal experience of morals.  The nature of human interactions has an influence on behavior; hence, persons must constantly strive to possess upstanding morals and ethical character. In relation to health, a person must maintain a balance between what is right morally and what is easy. An individual must work on areas of ethical weakness and foster improvement. Ethical development occurs when an individual adds to his/her ethics a new aspect that is morally right. Adding value to personal ethics start with a single thought and as one learns to master their thoughts, the natural processes of personal growth, health and development occur.

Psychology Degree

A psychology degree is popular study option in universities and colleges, globally (Lee, 2005). It offers to students an immense privilege for personal growth. Pursuing a psychology degree enables persons to understand themselves and others. It provides an opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives. In addition, it is an academic path to prestigious, professional careers in clinical, sports, forensic, and health psychology. In deciding to pursue a psychology degree, ethics played a crucial role. I understood that psychology is a practice based on ethics.


Personal ethics, principles, and the code of conduct promote the ability to integrate, interact, and function appropriately, in a professional capacity. The level of personal ethics varies with individuals and determines the extent to which individuals perform in personal, spiritual, health, social, and organizational aspects. The choice of a psychology degree is essential in gaining a deeper appreciation of ethics and plays a pivotal role in the capacity of an individual to function ethically and morally. The code of conduct is an essential, regulatory mechanism because of the variation in ethical behavior of individuals.


Plante, T. (2010). “Contemporary Clinical Psychology”. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Lee, S. (2005). “The Encyclopedia of School Psychology”. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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