Evaluation of Business Code of Ethics

Evaluation of Business Code of Ethics


Every company must have an outline of procedures that enable it to operate in an ethical manner. At Georgia Pacific, the code of ethics enables everyone affiliated with the company to have a clear understanding of the company’s policies and principles. These policies are in place for Georgia Pacific to continuously serve its customers, as well as, its community in the best way possible. The rules, which the company only deviates from if the law requires, allows the company to have a high moral standing and doing the maintain it ethical standing.

                                      Evaluation of Business Code of Ethics

In business, code of ethics is the principles and practices that an organization believes in and aims to live by. This code can be used to hold an organization, define its priorities and values. The code of ethics does not stand alone as it works in conjunction with an organization’s mission statement to outline how those affiliated with the organization should conduct themselves.

All businesses should have a framework for ensuring ethical behavior. In this paper, I will evaluate my employer’s code of ethics; determine the type of ethical system it uses and explain how I came to that decision. This paper will also discuss how the company’s board of ethics is used, reasons for possible modifications, reaction to the code from employees and managers, and effects of the code on the organization.

Georgia Pacific LLC

Georgia Pacific LLC was founded in 1927 by Owen Robertson Cheatham in Augusta Georgia. Over a number of years, the company expanded by adding sawmills and plywood lumber mills. Today, Georgia Pacific LLC is one of the largest manufacturers and distributors of paper, tissue pulp, building products, chemicals and packaging. The company is wholly owned by Koch Industries and employs more than 40,000 people at over 300 locations in North America, South America, and Europe.  The company’s current mission statement is “To enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential.”

Ethical System of Company

The ethical system that Georgia Pacific LLC uses can be best described as duty-based. According to the company, the key to its future is the commitment to its principles. These principles represent the basis of a culture that enables superior performance in all aspects of the company’s business. The first two principles, integrity and compliance serve as a reminder that it is not only an question of what is required by law the right thing must be done every time, all the time.

An illustration of this system can be found in the company’s willingness to satisfy its customers even at the expense of the company itself. It is Georgia Pacific’s policy to deliver the best quality product possible. The smallest imperfection located on a product must be corrected before it is shipped to the awaiting customer. This is a time consuming and sometimes expensive process but Georgia Pacific is dedicated to its many customers, and it is this dedication that drives the company to accommodate its customer’s needs.

How Code of Ethics is used

At Georgia Pacific, any officer, director, employee, or other representative is obligated to act in full accord with applicable laws in every location in which the company does business. The code of ethics also requires these individuals to act morally in all affairs and avoid any dealing activity that might portray unethical or illegal behavior.As an employee of Georgia Pacific, it is the responsibility of all individuals who fall into this category to learn the laws, policies dealing with your work. This measure is in place so individuals will have a clear understanding of the company’s rules. All employees must act in accordance with applicable laws, the Code, and other company policies and procedures 100% of the time.

The code of ethics for leaders is similar to that of employees as both are used to maintain company integrity. Company leaders are required to lead by example and act as role models for all employees. They are also required to provide education and tools that promote employee understanding and compliance. Leaders use these tools to create a culture where employees are comfortable to raise questions and concerns, and no retaliation for reporting violations is allowed. It is also important for leaders within the company to use the company’s code of ethics when discipline is required for violations.

The company’s Board of Directors, as well as, its acting President, must follow the same Code as employees and leaders. This Code is meant to be used “100% of the time by 100% of the company’s employees.” As the code states, any violation whether it be by the employee or President will effect in instant penal action including termination.

Reasons for Modification

Georgia Pacific’s Code of Ethics has been beneficial so far in enabling the company to maintain its ethical standing by educating those affiliated with the company on its policies and principles. As time goes on, slight modifications to the Code may be required to help the company stay compliant with the changing federal, state, and local laws.The Code should also be modified to stabilize the requirements of all stakeholders and improve its picture as a company that is socially responsible.

Reactions to the Code

Reactions to the Georgia Pacific’s Code can be best described as mixed. A majority of the employees comprehend that the Code is in place to ensure that the guiding principles of the company are adhered to. These employees realize that the rule and set of laws of the company are vital in establishing Georgia Pacific’s reputation as an ethical, socially responsible organization.As the majority of Georgia Pacific’s employees embrace the company’s code, there are a selected few who believe that the rules within the Code are too strict. These are the employees who try to “shortcut” the code by attempting to create their personal way of working things. As stated, this is against the company’s code of ethics as the guidelines of our actions are clearly outlined.

Effects of Organizational Culture on Acceptance of the Code

At Georgia Pacific, or at least the branch where I work, the organizational culture is strong. Supervisors make sure that workers have the essential gears to execute their jobs. The company also ensures that the working conditions are comfortable, and compensation is fairly paid relative to the job performance. Through this culture, employees recognize that they are considered as valued part of the company. This allows for a more productive working environment where the majority of the company’s employees are more loyal to the Code of ethics.

Effects of Code on Organization

As a result of Georgia Pacific’s Code of ethics, the company has created a more efficient organization where the rules and regulations are clearly outlined. Employees of the organization are aware of the company’s goals and procedures that must be followed to meet these goals. The manner by which these procedures must be carried out is clearly communicated, and the consequences of not doing so are defined. Basically, the Code of ethics used by Georgia Pacific has helped the company maintain its outstanding reputation in the community, as well as,



Ethics (2012). Retrieved from….http://www.gp.com/

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