The Evolution of America’s Cultural Distinctiveness

 The Evolution of America’s Cultural Distinctiveness

  • The American culture is majorly a culture of the west. Its impact is by theNative American,Africans,Asians,Polynesian, andLatin Americanism. American culture began its molding approximately 10,000 years ago. It all started with the movement ofPaleo-IndiansoutAsiaintocontinental United States. The diversity of America resulted from its immigrants speaking different languages, worshiping different gods, eating different foods, wearing different make of clothes, and subscribing to different racial background. This means that, this part of America has a unique social and cultural behavior dictated by the difference indialect,music,arts,social habits,cuisine, andfolklore. Racially and ethnically, America is immensely varies. It got some European influences from Scotland, Europe, Welsh and Ireland especially at its early stages of the rule by British, Cultural inheritances led to the diverse variation in the composition of American culture. It is crucial to note that other key influences came from Western Europe. Based on a quick glance, a few distinctions stick out loudly.

  1. To begin with, racism is still a crucial organ of the culture somehow. They talk about a lot, For example, when filling certain documents, one comes across a certain part that asks you whether you are a Caucasian or Hispanic or Black or Asian, and so on. Some of the evident aspects in the American culture include the liberal and conservative aspects, religious and scientific competition, political justification and entrepreneurship, freedom of expression, wealth and morality elements. National holidays, American oriented sports, military traditions, art and entertainment innovations, among many other local ideologies evolved gradually and domestically. These gradual ideologies yielded national pride within American population in aggregate. There are, however, some consistent ideologies and principles such as freedom faith, democracy, egalitarianism and individualism. This makes the American culture highly symbolic and flexible in nature. The above has led to the categorization of American culture in the form of a mythic identification or distinctiveness. American culture is rich in African American culture, indigenous American culture, Latin American culture, and Asian American culture. It the recent past, everyone sees America as a pot on its melting season due to its diversity in culture and pluralism. Many sub-cultures have evolved in the American culture. These subcultures’ basis is majorly on political affiliations, social status, demographics, religion, profession, and ethnicity.


“American history told by contemporaries…, Volume 2”, John Gould Curtis. The Macmillan Company, 1919. Pp-192.

Marsden, George M. 1990. Religion and American Culture. Orlando: Harcourt Brace

Davis Fred (1992). Fashion, Culture, and Identity

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