DSM – IV are initials which means diagnostics and statistical manual mental disorders. It was introduced in the year 1994 using the psychiatric American association. This type of disorder was referred to as bible in psychiatric of diagnosis. This is because the term provided the symptoms, definitions and the features for the cerebral disorder that are known by most of the clinicians in the world. The clinicians are always called to help evaluate the individuals usually in five stages or axes. The alignments are as follows; to identify cerebral disorder, identify personality disorder and cerebral retardation, identify relevant physical conditions and diseases, identify environmental and psychosocial issues and the last alignment is usually used by the clinician in assessing the individual’s total functioning rate on 100 points which is known as international (global) assessment of functioning.
Recently there are two reports written and revised, the one is for the world health organization and the American psychiatric association. The DSM is said to be crucial since the cerebral health professional about the world have modified its classifications systems. The researcher say, it is important to revise the DSM – IV since they have recognized the two hundred and fifty cerebral disorders and the functions, thus they are able to shape the way in which the cerebral disorder is treated, understood and studied. The revision which has been done has involved a thousand psychiatrists and the other involved cerebral health professionals. The revision is normally done using various methods, they trace the DSM – IV history, analyze the accounts concerning the revision and lastly observed the procedures used in the DSM – IV revision. The revision help to achieve the political and social effects, it also work in the biomedical form and maintain the domination of psychiatry in the cerebral health fields (David M.G., Johnson E.L and Jones L.S. pp, 319, 2010).
The cerebral disorder is said to be a behavioral and psychological pattern that is generally associates with the subjective disability or distress that can occur in an individual which is considered as abnormal culture and development. The way the cerebral illness is recognized and understood it shows some changes overtime and in social life. The cerebral illness is based on the harm to a society, regardless of their distress. Therefore it has been seen that the DSM has troubled many people and it sufficiently addresses the social behaviors (Myers D.G., pp, 704, 2004).
The most interesting cerebral illness are; Alien hand disorder which involves the hands actions. Most of the sufferers do not know what they do with their hands. The foreign accent disorder is another type of mental illness; the people who suffer speak to themselves using the native languages. Capgras’ disorder: is a situation where one has held a delusion belief. Bigorexia is also known as overworking. It is a type of illness that makes people to overwork to have their muscles strong. The fear of 13: it is also known as triskaidephobia where most of sufferers show some fear in them. Bibliomania is also known as collection of many books where most of the health and social relations are damaged. The exploding head disorder: the person experience loud noise from his head. The person sleeps and results as a dream. The trichotillmania: a type of disorder involve pulling out the hair from the scalp, nose hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, public hairs and other hairs in the body. Androphobia also known as the fear of the men: mostly occurs as an experience of an anxiety of facing the real threat. Munchausen’s disorder is also known as the faking disorder to attract attention. The person usually pretends to attract attention, comfort and sympathy from the medical person.
Schizophrenia is another type os cerebral disorder that sounds difficult to explain the difference among the unreal and real experiences to think reasonably, to have right emotional feedbacks and to have normal behaviors in a social life. The reason why I have excluded schizophrenia in my least is because it is a complex disorder and no a professional doctor can tell what causes it and it normally about 1 percent people in the entire world. Their system develop slowly thus taking even one year. The other complex illness are; insomnia this is a type of disorder which bring tiredness, no energy and people are enable to concentrate. It occurs due to stress, medical crisis and anxiety. Nervous system and brains bring in by cerebral disorder. The tourette disorder is known to be caused by stereotyped, repetitive and involuntary movement called tics. Life disorder where viruses are affected thus leading to death.
David M.G., Johnson E.L and Jones L.S. (2010).Christianity and psychology pp, 319: DSM – IV – Intervarsity press, amazon.com
Myers D.G. (2004). Exploring psychology pp, 704: DSM – IV – Worth publisher
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