Factorial ANOVA

The research question is: Is there a relationship between gender, job performance and reward?

This question is appropriate for use of the factorial ANOVA test because the test has at least two independent variables; these are gender and job performance



    1. Gender

Gender is a discrete, categorical, nominal and independent variable.

    1. Job performance

It is a continuous categorical, ratio and the dependent variable

    1. Reward

This variable is continuous, quantitative, ratio, and dependent

The variables fit the selected statistical test because they are firstly more than two variables; there are also more than one independent variable which is also a requirement for the factorial ANOVA test.



Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no relationship between gender, job performance and reward.

This implies that the performance of an employee does not depend on the amount of the rewards they get and their gender.

Alternative hypothesis H1: There is no relationship between gender job performance and reward

This implies that the performance of an employee depends on the amount of the rewards they get and their gender.


Possible errors:

Type I error

This will occur when one rejects the null hypothesis when it is true; this will mean that they make the conclusion that there is no relationship between gender, job performance and rewards while in real sense there is a relationship.


Type II error

This will occur when one rejects the alternative hypothesis while it is true; this will mean that one concludes that there is a relationship between gender, job performance and rewards while in real sense there no relationship (Jackson, 2012).



Jackson, S. L. (2012).  Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach (4th ed.).Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

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