Family Functionalism Hypothesis


             This is defined as a group of people in someone life who are related either by marriage, choice and blood often in the lifetime. The people consider relation in the family because they hold each other dearly and they sacrifice incase one needs a help. The family may be people one meets daily where the bond remains tight to each other. The family has cultures of their own and there must be a head of the family. The key factor of the family is the love the people has for each other. The sociological theories that are going to be discussed are the conflict, interaction and functionalism. The discussion in this paper is going to see how the above theories are applied in the family, their similarities and the difference. In this institution, we shall see how the theories affect the people in the family. Finally, how it affects the society.

The sociological theories

Sociology is defined as sciences which attempt the interpretive to understand the social actions that help to arrive at an informal explanation of its effects and courses. The theory of sociology tries to seek to formulate the form concepts and universal uniformities in the empirical process. These are complex methodological and theoretical frameworks used in analyzing and explaining the items in social studies. The sociological is never considered to be presumed and complete. The social theories were developed to explain the social phenomena’s. The theories are usually proposed where there are two or more than two concepts.

Otherwise the theory is used to explain why the incident occurs. Many people assume that sociology is minimal where it said to a growth. It has failed to differentiate the theoretical activities and has focus only on growth by increasing the practical support. The theory tends to ignore the various speculative contexts where the growth usually occurs. Since the virtual has neglected numerous decades, in the past twenty years the attention has been exposed in general hypothesis of social behavior. The functionalism has been the one of the theoretical work done (Ritzer G, 2007pp325).

The functionalism has sometimes been referred to as the structural practical which has been used to explain the most of social institutions in a given society which can be the best understood in their social function. This theory helps to address the entire society as an organization in interconnected parts. Functionalism has addresses the entire society in terms of the role of its constituent essentials. The elements include the customs, inst9itution, norms and the traditions. In sociology and the anthropology this theory has stressed on the importance of interdependence among all behavior institutions and pattern in social system to the long term survival.

The theory of functionalism was being promoted by the Malinowski of England where he said that cultural practice had physiological and psychological function, such as decrease of anxiety, fear and satisfaction desire. The theory pays concentration to change and conflict as element characteristics of social life thus simplifies the bond between person agency ant the organization of the social actions.

Functionalism theory is undoubted that it has contributed to a general thoughtful of a family; even if the people do not believe the functionalist views are tend to be correct since it play a crucial role in sociology by being there to the argument of Marxist views. It focuses on a belief that the family is termed as a positive institute. The functionalist holds the views that meet well with the requirements of an advanced developed society for a socially and geographically mobile labor force. They have highlighted the perfect family form in a modern culture as a nuclear family. The analysis of the nuclear family comprise of main source of income husband and dependent relative wife and children’s. The united state sociologist in particular has urbanized this type of approach.

Critic has accused the functionalist analysis of the relatives as ideological in quality and representing a conventional stance. Some feminists have highlighted the relative ideology presenting an idea and image of relative life that does not characterize the real knowledge, particularly the women’s who are seen as oppressed by the relatives. They have defended on the view of the functionalist relative life being shared by most of the people and with aspiration. The nuclear relatives are judged to be positive and traditional. The theory of functionalism has compared the relative to the biological and it presents the very positive view of all. The society has various basic requirements and if the wants are being meet then the society people will survive in long time. It has explained the reason why the people in the society exist and their relevance as families (Giddens A, 2006pp238).

Conflict hypothesis are perception in social discipline which emphasis the political, material and the social inequality of a community group. This hypothesis is mainly based on the analysis that the elementary effects of offense are the common and economic services operating within people. The criminal fairness scheme and the illegal law are ideas to be in service on behalf of wealthy and influential social choice, with the consequential policy aimed at enacting values of morality and virtues created by the leaders on the entire group. It focuses on separating the leaders from the poor who would take from society thus protecting them from being harmed and attacked. The hypothesis in both biology and sociology state that organizations and societies work so that each person participant together with the society struggle to add their needs that later contribute to the community change such as mutiny and political changes.

This theory is mostly used and applied in explaining the conflict among the common classes in ideology such as communism and socialism. This has rebutted functionalism, which considers organization and societies task so as to each person and society to play a special function compared to organs in the organization. The competition has also contributed in conflict hypothesis. The hypothesis has its theories which help to understand the conflict hypothesis. The rebellion being one of them, the transform is said to occur as an outcome of disagreement among the opposing interest somewhat than through altered copy. The structural unfairness in reward and power are made into all common structures. Person and society that gain from the specific formation strive so as to maintain it.

Conflict hypothesis is useful to family challenge the legend that family is melodious and as a substitute it focuses on an ability of the relative dealing with change, conflict and differences. The hypothesis start by asserting that disagreement in most relatives is usual situation of dealings and that the relative dynamic is understood in identifying the causes of disagreement and the causes of authority. The solutions of these disagreements are by starting good communication, increasing understanding and empathy and also being aggravated to change. Family has not been a powerful institute compared to force, state and church. Instead it seems as a resistant in conquest. Relative is usually described as resilient and tough (Goode, 2000).

In tradition way relative has been termed as social institute, found in most groups that change or unit people in common society with an aim of producing young once (Plummer and Macionis, 2005). Marx believes that what is superior is excellent and therefore the hypothesis on disagreement believes that life of person involves conflict. The theory judge society as uncooperative but divided with persons and crowds in disagreement with each other. The divided culture is between the differing crowds with disagreeing goals and benefits. Family referring to its argument is seen as class culture in minuscule.

Interactionism hypothesis usually deal with the individuals understanding of the group based on persons that are likely to meet, according to this theory the individuals perspective change in every moment the individuals interact with one another. In this hypothesis the motivation of each person is shaped, reinforced and changed through the way they socialize in the society. The interaction’s tries   to explain the people behaviors though it focuses on person’s thoughts and feelings.

This theory being the one of the greatest hypothesis in sociology, the Marx has contributed a lot in this theory since the hypothesis concentrate on social growth and human beings behaviors. It mostly focuses on the persons than the culture. According to Marx he believes each individual plays a crucial role in the way he or she is supposed to change the conduct. The unpredictable nature in negotiation procedure among the cultures members create the constantly altering social reality, thus stays in the edge of the steady set of regulations regulating these dealings.

The interaction theory is an approach known to be big. It usually focuses on close interactions that community has with one another and how they discuss a joint view of the truth. Marx therefore has asked a lot of questions concerning the interaction theory the same as to that asked by the functionalism hypothesis. According to this theory it is les concerned on how the relative fits in the arrangement of the culture or how the organization of the culture affects the relative.

It really focuses on what in fact goes on within the family unit and the daily interactions of the relative’s life and how community discusses their roles inside the family unit. According to Marx, he is likely to ask the same question as to why the family units exist and what are the crucial roles played by the people of one unit in the society?  In whose good and reimbursement does person operate? How do community decide who is available, to complete what farm duties inside the family? How do individuals manage to stay in the same compound without harming each other? All this is all about interaction.

The social change refers to the alteration on the social orders in a social society. In functionalism hypothesis it has emphasize on what maintain the group is not what modify it. Though the functionalist were the primary people to suggest on group change, another person by the name Talcott parsons had an otherwise on the society modify. He suggests that the society is natural for being balanced and stable. Meaning that, the group will always change toward the position homeostasis. A change requires modification in other aspect.

On the other hand the conflict hypothesis suggests that society modify will always play an important role in remedying communal unfairness and inequality, change is a positive and it does not rely community remaining inactive in response to development and the other tribulations in material society. Instead, it represents the tools for person wish to take power and recover their freedom unlike in functionalism hypothesis which emphasis on steadiness. The Marx holds that the conflict hypothesis is attractive and wanted to begin social amend and clear society of unfairness (Taylor H.F. and Andersen M.L, 2007pp200).

Similarities and differences

Both the functionalism and disagreement theories view family as a culture within miniature, where the special members do various fundamentals tasks causative for the endurance of the entire family. The husband is seems to be the main source of income and the wife is taking care of their children’s and household tasks. As it is seen in the relatives, functionalism would argue that each person in the family is interdependent thus contributing to the performance of a family unit entirely.

When all members play their roles and have excellent thoughts there will be peace, unity and balance in the family unit. When the members in the family unit rebel to perform their tasks, the entire people will suffer stress, disunity and imbalance. The family unit is said to function well when every member of the family has various powers that may lead to conflict and have some agreement there after.

Functionalism usually assume that the humanity is an ordered system and community hold the similar basic morals and off classes all main part of people support the structure. In conflict it is believed that ideas are based on social power and management by powerful crowd. Ultimate power in everything is mainly based on wealth, economic control and money leaning towards transformation, not the status quo same as the functionalism. In interaction’s it always focuses on the identity, social affairs, subcultures and meaning. On its hypothesis behaviors are involved with the choice and based on the importance of the condition.

The common thing on conflict and functionalism hypothesis is that, they are both macro rank while the interaction’s theory is micro rank study. Everything involves the above theories seems to be crucial (Sydie R.A., Adams B.N. and Sydie A.R, 2001pp262).


The task of a relative can be established in the functionalism hypothesis. In this hypothesis there are special tasks to consider. Family is described as a crucial agent for socialization and is in charge on teaching the norms and standards to the group and making the person important assets to the community. On the other hand the interaction’s tries to explain the people behaviors though it focuses on person’s thoughts and feelings. I disagreement hypothesis it shows that family has not been a powerful institute compared to force, state and church. Instead it seems as a resistant in conquest.


Giddens A. (2006). Sociology: family functionalism theory – polity,

Ritzer G. (2007). Sociological theory – McGraw – hill higher education

Sydie R.A., Adams B.N. and Sydie A.R. (2001). Sociological theory – Pine forge press,

Taylor H.F. and Andersen M.L. (2007). Sociology: understanding a diverse society, conflict theory and interaction theory –,

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