Family Group Conferencing (FGC)
Family Group Conferencing (FGC)
Family Group conferencing (FGC) has been used in many countries to help families find their own solutions by accepting their strengths. In addition, the conferencing helps families find solutions by involving the extended family system. Family group conferencing is important in decision making and planning. Most of the families have used the model to make decisions and plan. Families use the family group conferencing to make decisions for children and other young people who need to improve their welfare and protect their welfare. The family group conferring has various characteristics as noted by various authors. First, the role of professionals in family group conferencing is always changing. The FCG provides information about the problem and then identify resources that can be used to overcome the problem. The use of Family group conferencing is common in Liverpool.
The family group conferencing has been used in voluntary services in United Kingdom. It has also been used in children services in the area. However, the family group conferencing has not been used to help minority groups in the area especially blacks and minority families in the country. Most researchers have carried out study to determine how the family group conferencing model helps minority groups like blacks. For example, Ruth, Collins and lyabo carried out a study to determine how the family group conferencing can help minority groups. The authors examined how the Family group conferencing helps minority children and families in Liverpool improve their mental health and psychological condition. This paper provides a summary of the article and also a critique (O’Shaughnessy, Collins &Fatimilehin, 2009).
Purpose of the study
The study carried out by Ruth, Collins and Lyabo was aimed at describing the implementation of the FGC model to help the blacks and the minority ethnic. The researchers argued that the family group conferencing was useful among blacks and minority ethnic families. This is because it helped them overcome psychological problems and mental problems. The researchers were motivated by lack of research on the topic. As stated earlier there is no research on use of the FCG model among the blacks and minority families in the country. Hence, researchers have nit been able to identify the benefit of the model among these groups. In addition, the research was aimed at determining the benefits of using the family group conferencing model in different communities and situations. Also, the researchers identified the changes of using the model in the communities. Also, the researchers explored different ways in which people can maximize the cultural application of the model among different groups (O’Shaughnessy, Collins &Fatimilehin, 2009).
The researchers employed a wide range of research methods. The researchers used qualitative research method and quantitative research method. A total of 72 families were studied using the quantitative research method. The families were exposed to the family group conferencing and then studied. The results from the quantitative method showed that 85% of the families using the FGC model were from single parent families.85% of the families having a father were not living with their children.75% of the families used in the study spoke English. The families used in the study had a wide range of problems. First, the families had drug and alcohol related conditions. The researchers noted that 28% of the participants had drug and alcohol related issues. In addition, the families had mental problems resulting from parenting methods used. 27% of the participants had mental problems. Additionally, 14% of the participants had physical abuse and 10% of the participants were involved in criminal activities. 16% of the participants used in the study had been neglected. The researchers used families from different ethinic groups in Liverpool. The results gotten from the study were similar to the results gotten in other studies. The participants used in other studies had similar issues as the participants used by Collins, Ruth and Lyabo (Weiss, 1999).
The findings from the internal evaluation showed that families that were likely to breakdown did not after the families participated in the study. The FCG had a positive impact on children who were cared by other people. The children were able to take care of themselves after the study. The number of children looked after reduced greatly after the study as 33% of the children were looked after and 40% of the children were removed from the child protection register. The results proved that the FGC was effective in minority ethnic families, However, the results did not identify the benefits, problems and challenges of using the FGC model. The researchers also noted that the FGC model worked differently in different communities and emphasized on the need to study the communities well so as to improve the FGC model (De Vaus, 2006).
Further, the researchers used qualitative research method to study the participants. Only two families were studied. The qualitative research method allows the investigator to study the participants using observation technique. It also allows the researcher to use a small number of respondents. The families used in the qualitative research method were ‘the William family’ and Mohammed family .The William, family was black and lived in Liverpool. It consisted of dean, his siblings and Michelle the mother. Like other participants in the study, dean had a poor relationship with his mother and this affected her mother psychologically. In addition, Dean had behavior problems and his mother found it hard to control him. As a result Dean used drugs and engaged in criminal activities.
The social workers met with the family to identify the problems they had and create a good relation between the families. After being referred for FGC, the family was able to live together as the relationship between Dean and his mother improved. The building bridge social workers helped the family develop a family plan to help them solve the problems. The family plan was effective as the family was able to live together. In addition, the building bridge method was also effective in helping the Mohammed family. The social workers and counselors worked together with the family to identify methods which they can use to solve problems (Creswell, 2003).
Sampling method
The researchers selected the participants according to ethnic groups. The children were grouped according to the ethnic groups used in the study. The researchers used various ethnic groups like Black British, mixed race and black African. In addition, the researchers used Yemeni, Somali and other ethnic groups. Children participants used in the study were grouped according to the ethnic groups used in the study. The families used in the study also belonged to the ethnic groups listed above. Moreover, the participants used in the study were grouped according to why they referred to the FGC. The researchers identified various categories for referral. That is family breakdown, looked after and risk of remaining on the child protection register. Other categories included risk for being placed on the child protection register and risk of being looked after the study. The respondents used in the study belonged to one of the categories named above (Creswell, 2003).
Methods used
Researchers use different methods to collect data from the participants. Some researchers use interviews and others use observation method. In addition, the researchers use questionnaires and focus groups. In this case, the researchers used observation method and focus group. The observation method is used to observe the behavior depicted by the participants. The researcher is supposed to study the participants without causing any distraction. The researcher should not disrupt the participants when collecting data as this affects the validity of data collected. Ruth, Collins and lyabo used observation method to gather data from the participants. The researchers observed two families out of the 72 families used in the study. That is the ‘William family’ and the ‘Mohammed’ family. The researchers used social workers and other people to collect data. The social workers and coordinators were required to meet the two families and observe the behaviors of the family members (Creswell, 2003).
Apart from using the observation method, the researchers used focus group. A focus group is a kind of qualitative research method. The researcher asks the participants about a certain topic. For example, the participants can be asked questions that are related to the family. The social workers and coordinators meet with the family members and discussed issues that faced them. For instance, the social workers met with William family and discussed the family problems. The social workers allowed the participants to explain various issues that affected them. For example, Michele was able to explain the challenges she faces when caring for Dean. In addition, Dean was able to explain his relationship with his mother and how it affected him. The social workers also met with Mohammed family and discussed with them various issues that affected the family (Creswell, 2003).
An evaluation of the FGC project in 2005 revealed that a large percentage of the families using the FGC services were single parent families. The father did not live with the children in the single parent families. The findings from the study showed that the participants used in the study faced similar problems like other participants used in other studies. For example, the participants had mental problems caused by family problems. Most of the participants like Dean had poor relationship with their parents and this had a negative impact on them. For example, the participants had psychological problems and abused drugs and alcohol. Others had been look after (O’Shaughnessy, Collins &Fatimilehin, 2009). Additionally, the results from the study showed that the family group conferencing was effective in helping minority ethnic families overcome problems they face. The family group conferencing was used to help the two families selected solve their problems. The families were referred to the building bridge project to help them utilize their strengths to solve the problems. The families identified the problems and developed a plan to solve the problems.
The William family used the building bridge to solve their problems. Mohammed family also used the building bridge family to solve their issues. Though the family group conferring model was effective in eliminating psychological and mental problems among minority ethnic families, the researchers were not able to identify the benefits of using the model. Also, the researchers were not able to identify the challenges caused by the model. The findings from the research also revealed that the FGC services had a positive impact on families and children. The services helped reduce the risk for family breakdown and also risk for children being looked after. The risk for children being look after reduced by 67%.Only 33% of the children were being looked after. The number of children registered under child protection reduced by 60%(O’Shaughnessy, Collins &Fatimilehin, 2009).
The effectiveness of FGC model among ethnic families is attributed to various factors. The researchers considered cultural differences in Liverpool when designing the model. Different cultures in Liverpool have different beliefs and values. Cultural beliefs and values have an impact on the implementation of the FGC model. The cultural believes and values can affect the implementation of the FGC model negatively if the researchers do not consider the cultural differences. In this case, the researchers were able to consider the cultural differences depicted by various ethnic groups in the society. Moreover, the family group conferencing model was effective because it gave family culture priority. The FGC model considers the family more important than career. This made it easy for the social workers to work together with the families. The results from the study showed that the FGC model worked differently with families from various ethnic groups. Different groups used in the study reacted differently to the FGC model (Weiss, 1999).
The literature reviewed and research carried out showed that the FGC model works well in minority ethnic families. The FGC model helps prevent mental problems and psychological problems among the family members and hence promote mental health. The FGC model is used by families and children to make decisions by identifying their needs and determining how to solve them. The researchers concluded that the FGC model was vital in helping the minority ethnic families solve problems. The researchers were able to answer their questions well as the research was effective (Smith, 2009).
Strengths and weakness of the research
The introduction is well written. The researchers have provided a detailed background of the research. The researchers have identified what has been covered by other studies carried out about Family group conferencing. In addition, the researchers have identified the limitation of the studies. The researchers have not investigated the use of FGC model in minority ethnic families and blacks. Also, the researchers provide an explanation of the FGC model including its characteristics. Moreover, the researchers have stated the purpose of the study and the research questions clearly. The research is aimed at describing the implementation of the family group conferencing model among the black and minority ethnic. Also, the research identifies the benefits and challenges of using the FGC model. Lastly, the researchers determine how the implementation of the FGC. Hence, the conclusion is well structured (Smith, 2009).
Methodology and methods
The methods used by researchers are valid. The researchers employed both qualitative research method and quantitative research method. The quantitative research method was used to collect numerical data for the study. The researchers were able to study 72 families and collect the relevant data. For example, they were able to group the families and children according to different minority groups identified (Crotty, 2007). Also, the researchers grouped the participants according to the problems they had. The participants were put into various groups like abuse of drugs and alcohol, family problems etc. The researchers also used qualitative research method to collect data from the respondents. The qualitative method was useful in observing the participants. The main method used to collect data was observation and it was valid for studying the topic. This is because the researchers were able to observe the participants and get data. The methods used in the study are similar to methods used in other studies. Most of the studies reviewed by the authors used qualitative method and qualitative method. They also used observation methods to gather data.
The studies had numerical data like the study carried by Ruth, Collins and Lyabo. The methods used have given similar results to the methods used in other studies. For example, they have given similar results as shore et al (2001). The study carried by Shore and other authors showed that children who had participated in FGC were reunited with their families and thus reduced the number of children who were being looked after. The study has also shown that the number of children being looked after has reduced (Creswell, 1998). The methods used have some weaknesses. For example, the researchers did not use the right method to select the participants. The researchers have not explained clearly the method used to select the families used in the research. The sample selected is not enough to be studied using quantitative research method (Denzin & Lincoh, 2005). The quantitative research method gives the researchers an opportunity to use more than 100 participants, but the participants used are only 72.
The inadequate selection of the participants has an effect on the results gotten. The researcher should have used a large sample sized so as to make the results of the study valid. Also, the researchers could have used random method to select the participants to avoid biasness and ensure equal representation. The number of participants used in the group differs from one ethnic group to another. Some groups have a large number of children participants while others do not. For example, there are 21 participants who are black white, 18 mixed race and only 3 Somali. The researchers did not consider ethical issues that are linked with the study before conducting the study. For example, the researchers did not educate the participants on the benefits and importance of the study. Also, the researchers did not state the measures they would take to avoid infringing the privacy of the participants. The research design used was correct as the researchers used both quantities research design and qualitative research design as evidenced above (Creswell, 1998).
The observations made by the researchers were accurate. The researchers were able to identify different challenges that ate faced by the families and children. For example, the researchers were able to determine the number of participants who abused drugs and used alcohol. They were also able to observe the participants who had been affected by family problems. The observation method has been effective as the researchers have been able to get results that are similar to results carried out in other studies. The data presented by the authors is ready for comparison. The researchers can compare the data with data collected by other researchers.
For example, the researchers can use the data to determine the number of participants who were at risk of family breakdown and compare with data available from other studies. The data can also be interpreted easily. This is because the researchers have arranged it well to enable the reader to understand it. For example, readers are able to identify the number of children who are likely to remain looked after. There are discrepancies between the data presented in the tables and the text. The researchers have identified different conditions for referral in the text. The researchers argue that the participants who have been referred have problems that are linked to drugs and alcohol. Also, the participants have mental problems resulting from parenting, physical abuse, criminal activity and neglect (O’Shaughnessy, Collins &Fatimilehin, 2009). However, they have listed the reasons for referral as the risk of family breakdown, look after and remaining on child protection register.
Others include being put on the child protection register, looked after and others. The reasons for referral on the table are different from the reasons for referral listed in the text. The results have not helped the researchers achieve what they intended. The researchers wanted to describe the implementation of FGC among minority ethnic families and blacks and identify strengths and weaknesses of using it. In addition, the researchers wanted to identify how people can maximize cultural differences to make the implementation effective. They have only being able to describe the implementation of the model and how problem can maximize cultural differences to make the model effective. However, they have not been able to identify the challenges and benefits of using the model (Crotty, 2007).
The interpretations made by the researchers in the discussion section are not derived from the data, but they are taken from other studies. The data on the table has not helped the researchers make conclusions as it shows the distribution of participants used in the study. As stated earlier, the participants should belong to the reasons for referral given and the minority groups given. The researchers have based their conclusion on the literature reviewed and the building bridge project. The researchers claim that the FGC model is effective in helping minority families overcome mental problems and psychological issues (Freeman, 2004). The researchers argue that the model is accessible and good for supporting families and helping them making decision. However, they have not provided data to compare with the results gotten from the study. Hence, the data presents does not relate with the interpretations made. The interpretation made by the researchers is inline with interpretation made by other researchers. Most of the researchers have shown the effectiveness of the family group models in solving issues that are faced by minority families. For example, the model can help children reunite with their parents as evidenced by Dougherty in his study. Dougherty (2003) argues that the FGC model can be used to help children reunite with their families.
Other researchers have shown the benefits of considering cultural differences when implementing FGC model in the community and accessibility. Kramer et al(2000) argues that FGC model helps improve accessibility to child and adolescent mental health. It also reduced the like hood of being cared by the local authority (Girden, 2001). The researchers have considered other studies conducted by other researchers when making conclusions and reviewing the evidence provided before as shown above (O’Shaughnessy, Collins &Fatimilehin, 2009). Additionally, the researchers have identified the strengths and weaknesses of their study in the discussion section. First, the researchers have stated clear that there is no comparison of the results with results from other studies. This is because the researchers have nor included additional data from other studies for comparing the outcome of the model in minority families.
However, the study has some strength as it is related to other studies reviewed in the literature review. The results provided are similar to other studies that have been conducted like the study carried out by Philips and Ferns in 1998It is also similar to study carried out by Gunderson et al (2003) and VEken and Devine(2005). Also, the researchers claim that the research show a better results for families non BME families that used the model compared to those who have not used the model. The researchers argue that there is need for further research on the use of FGC with minority ethnic families and blacks. Researchers should compare the use of FGC among families that have used FGC and those who have not (Engel & Schutt, 2005).
The research evidence is relevant to social work practice. The researchers have used social workers and coordinators in the study to help families. The social workers work together with the families to identify problems and develop the right solutions. The use of social workers in the study has been effective as the social workers have been able to help minority families. The research is not biased as the researchers have selected a diverse team of social workers. Some of the social workers are white and others are from minority groups. This has helped encourage diversity in the study and implementation of the FGC model in Liverpool. However, the researchers have not encouraged equal representation when selecting the participants. Some of the minority groups have a large number of participants and others do not. The researchers do not share their results with different stakeholders who are interested as they do not state the implication of the study. The research does not have internal validity as the researchers were able to answer some of the research questions. The researchers were able to show the implementation of the model in the community and how people maximize the cultural differences and improve the efficiency of the model. They were not able to identify the benefits and weaknesses of the model. Also, the study has external validity. The study can be applied to other minority groups and non minority families. In addition, the theory can be generalized to another group (Engel & Schutt, 2005).
The title of the article states the subject of the article. The title helps the reader understand what the article is about. The abstract does not summarize the paper well. The abstract only provides a brief summary of some of the sections in the paper. For instance, it does not summarize the discussion section well and also their data. The materials in the site are organized under the right headings and the sections are divided logically. The style used by the writers is clear, precise and concise and this makes it easy for the reader to read (Dougherty, 2008).
In conclusion, the family group conferencing model has been effective in helping minority families find their own solutions. The model has helped the families overcome mental problems, family problems and psychological problems. The model helps the families maximize their strengths and resources to solve the problems. The article has been developed well according to the summary and the critique. The researchers have organized the article well and used the right methods to collect data from the participants. The researchers have employed qualitative and quantitative research method, but they have not been used properly. This is because they have not been able to select the participants well.
Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Creswell, J. W., (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design. choosing among five traditions, Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications. |
Crotty, M. (2007). The foundations of social research. Meaning and perspective in the research. London. Sage. |
De Vaus, D. (2006). Research design in social research. London. Sage |
Denzin, K. ,& Lincoh,S. (2005). Introduction. The discipline and practice of qualitative research. |
Dougherty,S.(2008).Practice that mitigate the effects of racial and ethnic dispropotionality in the child welfare system. Casey family program. |
Engel, RJ and Schutt, RK. (2005). The Practice of Research in Social Work. London. Sage publications |
Freeman, H.E. (2004). Evaluation. a systematic approach (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks. Sage. |
Girden, E. (2001). Evaluating research articles. From start to finish. (2nd ed). London . Sage. |
O’Shaughnessy,R.O.,Collins,C.,&Fatimilehin,L.(2009).Building bridges in Liverpool. Exploring the use of family group conferences for black and minority ethnic children and their families. Oxford University |
Smith, R. (2009). Doing social work research. Maidenhead . McGraw-Hill Open University Press. University of Strathclyde website |
Weiss, C.H. (1999). Research-policy linkages. How much influence does social science resear |
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