
     Health care economics assists in the allocation of scarce resources in health and health care.  It incorporated  the functioning  of  private  and  social  causes in  health care systems which  are health behaviors  affecting  a particular community. The benefiting of health care economics is for the benefit of a community.   Health  economics  considers  areas  intractable  uncertainty  in  externalities  and  systematic information  as  well  as  extensive  government intervention.  The lack of access and rising cost of health care are the contributing factors toGood health according to World health organization is making the health status of the entire population as good as possible.

  Good health also involves being responsive e to the need s and expectations of the entire population.  lastly there  should  be  fairness  in financing  and  protection to every one with  cost distributed  depending  on  one  ability  to pay.  Therefore the issue of  being  insured  or  not being uninsured  should  not  an  issue  that  affects  the general  population  wellness in terms of  health.  However in the US health insurance pays an important role in determining the quality of health care to receive (Healthcare Blog, 2007). It is truly a disappointing to realize such an incidence can happen in our soil. The Brooklyn Psychiatric Hospital incidence clearly depicts the inequality in health care provision that exists in this country. The duration  that  one  needs  to wait before receiving  medication  is  another issue  that  needs  to be  improved in  all  medical  facilities.  The services that exist in some of these facilities need significant and additional reforms (GMT, 2008).

It is true that the US  has  inefficient health  care  and very high  medical  error  rate  than  in  any other developed  country. Compared  to Germany,  New Zealand,  UK, Australia  and  Canada, the US  stands out with  the worst  performing cases  and  costs  berries  leading  to financial ,burden  of the citizens.  The US medical care is inefficient and has high medical errors. (Stone, Clarke, Cimiotti & Correa-de-Araujo, 2004).The shortage of  medical  personal  is rooted in  steep  population  growth,  baby boom  generation, and emerging  chronic  diseases .This will  lead  increased  patient  and nurses  loads, increased  risk on  health  care error,  increased  spread  of   infection  among  staff  and  patients,  increased  deaths,  increased  medical  professional  turn over  and  occupational  injury

(Ginsburg, & Wood, 2008, P 42).


GMT (2008) Tape shows woman dying on waiting room floor. Retrieved from


 On  June 3, 2010

Healthcare Blog (2007). Policy inequality. Retrieved from http://www.thehealthcareblog.com/the_health_care_blog/2007/03/policyquality_w.html

On June 3, 2010

Stone, P., Clarke S, Cimiotti J., & Correa-de-Araujo R. (2004). Nurses’ working conditions: implications for infectious disease. Emerging Infectious Diseases,  Pubmed publishers, 10(11), p1984-9.

Ginsburg,  B.  Wood, R (2008)High and rising health care costs: demystifying U.S. health care spending, Synthesis Project publisher, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, p 45

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