The Future Of Organizational Design

When establishing the design of any given organization, it is important to note that the function of the firm or the overall responsibility assigned to the organization is fundamental to developing the design. The importance of such information is to enable the designer to come up with the most appropriate design which is suitable for the organization. Similarly, it is important to understand the structure of the organization which helps in establishing the levels of management as well as getting to know the nature of activities carried out at each level (Simons, 2005).When developing the design of an organization, the role played by the customer is critical as this person determines the success as well as level of operation of the organization. Therefore, the organization design should be made in such a way that the customer is the focal point of interest. By doing so, the profits obtained by the organization are increased as well as boosting loyalty of the clients.

The fact that customers are direct beneficiaries of services and goods from an organization increases the need to develop an organizational design which seeks to satisfy their needs by ensuring that quality products are produced (Simons, 2005).The article criticizes organizations which brand everyone who walks through their door a customer as a way of discriminating against their importance as well as their effect on the overall success of the organization. This calls for individualized categorizing of customers such that those who are not quite common are given different treatment as compared to seasoned customers (Simons, 2005).Therefore when designing an organization, it is significant to determine the various classes of customers who benefit from the products of a particular organization. This is crucial in establishing the most appropriate strategy to adopt in order to satisfy their needs. This is mutual because after a customer is satisfied, the organization will also attain satisfaction from the same (Simons, 2005).The definition of a true customer who primarily benefits from the organization is defined as one who purchases the products of the firm through other distributors other tan the manufacturer.

In this case, the distributor stocks different brands of the same product such that the customer is presented with a variety but opts for a specific brand. This aspect of choosing one item from among a huge pile makes the customer different and it is this feature which makes the manufacturer modifies the processing criteria such that it meets the needs of this customer. This attribute is also referred to as customer loyalty and an organizational design developed on such basis is bound to succeed. The success is due to the preferential needs of customers are met while the organization in turn benefits from increased sales thus instilling satisfaction either way (Simons, 2005).In an attempt of an organization to determine the primary customer, extensive research must be undertaken to reduce the various categories of customers into frequent as well as loyal clients. Such customers are identified as those who directly benefit from the services and products of the organization while their choice should not be influenced by lack of alternatives but rather due to their own free will. This leaves out government procurements from the list of primary customers as their choice of products is determine by legislation (Simons, 2005).


Simons, R. (2005), levers of organization design. HarvardBusinessSchool.

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