Gender Bias

The historical discrimination against women was prevalent in most regions of the world same as the contemporary world where many backgrounds and countries present varying degrees of discrimination against women. Similarly, historical and contemporary beliefs of many cultures believed in making women adhere to rules and regulations through discriminating hence very few women were exposed to modernism, a field dominated by men. Women have been seen as care-givers they are meant to say behind the scenes where their role is minor and restricted to the home compound (Harvey, and Allard, 2008).

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Gender bias and sexism has had a great toll on women regardless of race and ethnicity due to the popular belief that women belong to a weaker sex hence are incapable of carrying out various roles in society. This has been the trend in careers and professionalism where certain high profile jobs and positions are set aside for men only. The same scenario is depicted in prestigious political careers men dominate and women play secondary roles in the profession (Hyde, 2005).

The proposed issues and resolutions in the research depict history as having a great impact on the overall gender bias scenario. Consequently, increased globalization has educed the extent of bias in most cultures due to enlightenment of women by their counterparts who have been able to achieve a lot academically (Harvey, 2008).

Based on personal experiences men have developed negative perception of having women take up their professions and careers hence they result in gender bias to reduce the impact of women o their professions. This is attributed to the fact that professionally women have been found as portraying equal potential to men. Consequently, biologically women and men have equal capacities to perform a wide array of tasks (Hyde, 2005).


Harvey, C. P. and Allard, M. J. (2008) Understanding and Managing Diversity 4th ed.Prentice Hall

Hyde, J. S. (2005) “The Gender Similarities Hypothesis”, American Psychologist, vol.60(6): pp. 581 592.

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