Globalization and Good Ideas

In his work “ How Ideas Trump Crises”, Tabarok analyzed how ideas can be used to overcome crisis. Most people fail to overcome crisis because of lack of ideas. People do not know how to identify a particular crisis and solve it. This has affected many things in the world. For instance, it has affected economic growth and the society in general. On the other hand, Stevens in his work “Where Good Ideas Come From” analyzes the liquid networks of a coffee house in London and the velocity webs in the modern society. He analyzes how people identify problems and solve them. John argues that people can get ideas by working together (Tabarrok, 2009).

John’s work connects to Tabarok argument about globalization. Globalization refers to process through which economies and societies have become integrated via various things like trade, communication and transport. Globalization can be considered to be a collection of networks as it involves many people. Globalization is important in the society. This is because it has helped people get ideas by working together. Globalization enables movement of good ideas in different fields like technology, economics and other fields. This in turn gives people an opportunity to work together to generate ideas since they are interconnected by various things. For instance, they are interconnected by technology. Hence, the works of the two authors are interconnected. (Johnson, 2010).


Johnson,S.(2010). Where good ideas come from. Retrieved from  on 12/2/2011.

Tabarrok,A.(2009). “How Ideas Trump Crises”. Retrieved from on 12/2/2011

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