H.D.’s Hymen Review (by Moore)

When it comes to shaping her reception to fit a particular idea of “H.D”, Moore from the word go pours praises on H.D.’s present collection of poems by pointing out to the sincerity which informs the volume. To this Moore throws in a number of lines from the volume to underline the sincerity, faithfulness to fact as well as honesty presented therein.

Moore however wastes no effort to emphasize the terms that have come to dominate our H.D. discussions including but not in any way limited to classicism, sexuality as gender. Hence there is no overemphasis of the terms. However, Moore does mention the apparent classes of women as brought out in the text, that is, the eternally sleeping beauty or the intellectually free.

What I find most interesting regarding the review however is the blatant attempt by Moore to curve a certain perception of H.D. for the reader. Though veiled in some way, It becomes apparent on careful consideration of the phrases used throughout the text as well as the tone adopted by Moore. Further, there is an impressive use of figurative language for the same purpose.

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