HRM Systems and Practices to Recommend to Management


Human Resource Management Systems denoted HRMS are necessary in any organization to supply a link between the departments of information technology and that of human resource. It is also through these systems that the automation of most elements of the human resources takes place while fulfilling the function of minimizing the workload in the human resource department and elevating its effectiveness by normalizing the majority of the human resource procedures.

For these reasons, HRM is defined as the integrated application of measures, rules, and practices to hire, uphold and increase employees in order for the organization to meet the desired goals. The human resource management system is therefore comprised of six elements which include human resource: capacity, planning, and data, as well as personnel policy and practice, and performance management and training. The purpose of this paper is to discuss human resource management systems and strategies in Apple, Inc which is a multinational company with large management system which requires the firm invest considerably on the human resources.

 HRM systems and practices to recommend to management

Being a multinational company and a leader in PC, software, mobile phone and online resources development, there is dire need to invest in human resource management to promote the participation of employees in the entire company in order to promote the organization’s financial performance (Jackson & Mathis, 2007). Coupled with globalization and rapid growth in information communication ands technology, the world environment on the competitive strategies of companies has changed since companies compete against overseas businesses both locally and globally (Briscoe, Schuler, & Claus, 2008).

In the present day the fact that Apple, Inc, like all other multinational companies, are global does not ensure they counter competition. Therefore, to remain, more profitable and effective in such an environment, its is time for Apple Inc. to embrace the human resource as an asset and use innovative technologies to offer qualitative and cost effective solutions (Dreher & Dougherty, 2007). That is to say that, the company should embrace people and the manner of handling them as the way out to pull through the competitive market like it provided the “i” revolutionary technology in cell phones and mobile computing.

Some of the current PC manufacturing rivals to Apple, Inc are Dell, AlienWare, Gateway among others; those in the recent online media like iPhone include Napster and Hotmail, and Gmail among others; for the server market, the rivals include HP, SGI and IBM to mention a few and lastly in the networking of Airport lines is Cisco, and Netgear (Dreher & Dougherty, 2007). With such knowledge in consideration, it means in one way or the other, Apple must differentiate itself from the competitors, who are also equally good, by embracing the management of the human resources. I recommend several strategies to be incorporated in the system.

The first recommendation for an effective management of humans in Apple, Inc would be to place more emphasis on the human resource management capacity in budget and staff (Pieper, 1990). In this section, employee development should be put into more consideration by incorporating strategies that will motivate the employees to work hard to improve or add to the already acquired knowledge, capabilities and skills by establishing an equilibrium between the employees career interests, goals and the interests and needs of the organization in order for the work to be done effectively to achieve the mission of the organization (Jackson & Mathis, 2007).

This will go a long way in ensuring that the employees are up to the current trends and knowledge required providing innovative and creative ideas to be incorporated in the production of both software and hardware products (Dreher & Dougherty, 2007). Such products will provide a strong competitive edge from the rivals. This will also ensure a strong and state-of-the art performance for Apple, Inc put in to by the positive contribution of the employees.

In addition, a larger percent of the HRM budget should be targeted towards the recruitment, training, salaries, and incentives to employees. It has been observed from various researches carried out in employees with proper incentives are always associated with high productivity in their work (Jackson & Mathis, 2007). This plays the role of motivating them and giving them the urge to look forward to work. The employees should also have a consistent way to salaries appraisals with all receiving equal opportunities and not promoting bias or discrimination.

In paying the company should embrace an effective payroll module that greatly reduces the personnel compensation and benefit system with the least errors and with the fastest speed possible. This will ensure that at any given time, the employees pays are never late or less than or more than the required (Dreher & Dougherty, 2007). In addition, such a system will should also ensure that they incorporate the time keeping by employees is effectively observed as this will contribute to the organizational culture and employees conduct and ethics within the organization.

As of new staff, some money must be put aside to facilitate the recruitment and training of new employees. The recruitment system should be focused on the organizational goals and objectives and proper planning should be incorporated in the new employees’ recruitment (Dreher & Dougherty, 2007). First, a clear and well organized recruitment process should be embraced to ensure that all the necessary requirements for the recruitment process are fulfilled and the necessary panel prepared.

In addition, no rules should be put in place to compromise the qualifications of the required personnel (Jackson & Mathis, 2007). This will ensure that the productivity and the image of the organization will not be affected negatively. The qualification of the new employees must also keep on being revisited regularly to ensure that the right candidates for the job are at higher edge in contributing to the company’s differentiation.

Another recommendation for the inclusion in the hrm is the element of performance management in which the employees are provided with the right job descriptions to guarantee that all are answerable for all actions within their jurisdiction (Dreher & Dougherty, 2007). It is also important in promoting work efficiency and effectiveness hence contributing to productivity and high organization performance. A good work culture will also be encouraged since everyone will want to have all work done and done right (Briscoe, Schuler, & Claus, 2008).

Furthermore, job descriptions will ensure that all employees are provided with the right supervision. Supervisors must also receive regular training and seminars that will encourage provision of up to date leadership qualities and instructions to the employees promoting efficiency and optimum productivity to counter the competition. In addition, supervisors should ensure that work is properly planned and new projects planned and delegated to the right individuals (Pieper, 1990). At the end of the day, the performance review will indicate who has done what and who did not do what. Performance reviews will support the compensation and benefits scheme as high performance will be rewarded at the end of each working period as predetermined by the organization.

The employees should training program must also be improved by ensuring that at any given instance of introduction of a new concept in the development of products, all employees should be provided with the right knowledge to utilize the new concept in there are of specialization (Pieper, 1990). Training should also be done where a certain concept loses meaning to the employees who fail to utilize it for lack of proper information concerning it. In some instances, the employees can be trained through a demonstrated participation in the real product development to ensure the concept and the areas of application are well understood and the impact of the same clearly visualized.

In addition, the training of the leaders and the management should be encouraged in order to develop the leadership qualities and management skills (Pieper, 1990). Since the management runs and leads the organization, experience should not be used to overlook the need for training of the management as the employees’ attitude towards a given work is dependent, to some extent, on the employee-employer relationship.

Poor relationship will always reduce productivity as opposed to the positive relationships. Instead of respecting the management, the employees will have fear for them and this will contribute negatively to the productivity and so will the competitive edge of the company (Pieper, 1990). To contribute to the positive employee-employer relationship, activities focused on team building, especially from external training services, should be encouraged.

In one way, this will reduce the fear of and increase the spirit of teamwork with each member being perceived as part and parcel of the team that should be well handled (Dreher & Dougherty, 2007). In such activities, employees and employers are able to raise their issues and equilibrium is obtained between the two while ensuring no side is offended (Briscoe, Schuler, & Claus, 2008). Furthermore, supervisors and managers should have regular meetings with employees to raise disturbing issues or include a new code of conduct, or even accept or dismiss a form of conduct.


Briscoe, D., Schuler, R., & Claus, C., (2008). International Human Resource Management.Prentice Hall. Madison: NY.

Dreher, G., & Dougherty, T., (2007). Human Resource Strategy.MissouriUniversity Press. Columbia: USA.

Jackson, J., & Mathis, R., (2007). Human Resource Management. Thomson Learning, Inc. Manson: USA.

Pieper, R., (1990). Human Resource Management. Walter De Gruyter & Co. Berlin: Germany.

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