Human Resource Management: Tools for Supermarket Industry HRM
Human Resource Management: Tools for Supermarket Industry HRM
One of the main focuses of HRM is selecting the right employees. This is a vital role for the success of a company because, the talents of the employees is the main driving force, hiring class A players, the brightest and the best employees is the foundation of excellence of any big or small business enterprise. HR personnel have to use the right tools when implementing a program for hiring applicants in order to determine the right candidates.
Tools for Supermarket Industry HRM
Positions within a supermarket vary in many ways in terms of responsibility and tasks to be performed on daily basis. These positions include, count inventory, assist customers, stock inventory, packaging of grocery, checking stock items which are low, prepare vegetable and grocery, cashier, butcher meats, bake and so on. Supermarkets have been known to have a high rate of turnover which is associated with the process of hiring. The kind of labor in supermarkets is of high demand to senior citizens waiting to retire and high school students who can get their first experience in employment. Once doors are open for the high school students, they can enroll for higher learning education or better jobs. The senior citizens can work for some few years before they retire. This high rate of turnover calls for good hiring process that focuses on maximizing training efforts of ROI and retaining associates.
The important reasons for retaining trained workers and ensuring there is high return on the initiatives in training are for long term benefit. The choosing of tools should be done in the most effective and logical way. A police background is essential for a supermarket because it deals with handling money. Every position should have a candidate who has clean criminal history. Therefore, positions should not be offered on applicants with any criminal acts like, theft or laundering.
It is also important for the human resource department to analyze the honesty of an applicant who acknowledges a change of mind set for past mistakes. This is because human beings make mistakes and are able to learn from them. A HR therefore, has to treat such applicants with equality which is a factor recognized in the paradigm shifts.
Another criterion for choosing the right personal is their ability to write and read in English. This can be done through the requirement to fill a form to determine the ability of an applicant. This can be done when an applicant is supposed to fill the form when the HR personnel are present. This ensures that no one else assists the Supermarket Industry applicant to read and write on the form. By filling out the form on their own is a positive indicator that the applicant can read and write in English. It will further demonstrate their level of competency. A good sign is seen when the applicant can easily comprehend the requirements on the application form on his own. This serves a great purpose despite the fact that the applicants’ intelligence can not be measured in this way.
The interview follows the passing of police check background and after filling the form in a complete and effective way. The interview is the third tool to select a potential candidate. This is where the HR personnel can decode if the candidate is successful to work in the supermarket. By this stage, applicant’s loyalty has been proven by the police background check and their ability to read and write. The interview will complete and decide the destiny of the applicant into the supermarket.
Hiring managers, through conducting an interview will be able to measure the loyalty of the applicants by asking questions which had been done in past interviews. They will also be able to hear the goals and motives of the applicants.
The hiring program has to incorporate the three selection tools which are effective in filtering the many applications of the senior citizens and high school students. These tools are the police background check, ability to communicate in English language through reading and writing on the application form and finally the interview which seals the whole hiring process. All these tools are vital and work as a unit. Therefore, the elimination of one of these tools could limit the application process in many ways. The written application is effective for the HR personnel because he can establish the reading and writing capability of the applicants.
The main goal of any hiring program is the get the A players and find ways of retaining them. This is important because training programs are normally very expensive to a business firm. A high rate of turn over like in after every six months puts the business into great loses. Loss of employers negatively impacts on ROI.
The advantages of your method compared to other selection tools that were considered.
Good selection impacts of the kind of selected employee to be hired. Therefore, it is very important to use the right selection method for any position to be filed within the Supermarket industry for any qualified and best candidate to be selected. Tools of selection process in the industry are identified to be three as discussed above. Each of these steps in the process of hiring is essential to ensure the right applicants are given the chance to work in the supermarket.
The role of the Human resource Department of the supermarket is to fully screen the applicants. The initial step is analyzing their potentiality through the study of the CV of each applicant. Once they are chosen, the HR managers have to deicide who of the applicant’s best suits the requirements of positions in a unit. The managers have to know the duties and practices of a field within the supermarket and adequate information about them for them to soundly select the right candidates.
In earlier years, scholars had suggested that the three important tools for hiring candidates for a supermarket position is to simply fill an application form, hold an interview and the provision of reference. Some aspects like clean police record were to be given by the referees who might not be trustworthy. The filling of forms is also important in supermarket recruitment process today. However, the aspects such as honesty and interviewing have been incorporated as effective tools for hiring candidates for supermarket positions.
Honesty is a vital aspect in the Supermarket industry especially because the candidates deal with cash and worthy goods. This requires that the candidates should have a clean police record which does not show and cases of crime in the past. This is advantageous because, though a person can have all the qualities for the position, he or she may be having the habit of stealing money or other goods which leads to loss. This is a tool which was over looked in the past. Therefore, presenting a personal police record to justify ones trustworthiness is much better than when a referee recommends the trustworthiness of a person who may not be.
Reading and writing ability is an important aspect to any supermarket personnel. This is because many duties such as record keeping and labeling of goods among other activities require a person who can read and write. HR personnel of supermarkets encourage the applicants to fill a form in their presence so that they can easily gauge their ability to write and comprehend the requirement of the form without anyone else assistance.
The final step of interviewing candidates seals the whole process. The interviewers can analyze the objective and goals of the candidate and weigh their fitness for a specific position. Another aspect is to determine if what was in the application is actually what the candidate says. This is a perfect opportunity for HR personnel to inquire and ask questions on what is on the application form of the applicants.
The selection process for candidates in a supermarket Industry has its own mechanism and tools for selection. These tools are background check, ability to write and read and interviewing. Other tools that can assist these steps can be incorporated into the hiring process can be such as personality test and recommendation from people who know the applicants well.
Thomson south western (2007) Employee selection; Human resource management. PDF. Bohlander.
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