Identifying General Values- Core values held by an individual; values related to the nature of humankind and society;

style=”text-align: justify;”>Identifying General Values- Core values held by an individual; values related to the nature of humankind and society;

Students will develop a Philosophy of Nursing by identifying and discussing a) General Values, b) Values Related to the Profession of Nursing, and c) How Personal Values Articulate with Values about Nursing, as defined below:

a) Identifying General Values- Core values held by an individual; values related to the nature of humankind and society; (I want to incorporate the army values, and the importance/balance of family, military nursing career, and faith)
b) Values that Relate to the Profession of Nursing- Discussion should include reference to the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (2015) to determine where ethics fit in with nursing actions. Include discussion of how you can advance the profession of nursing through research, research utilization, and evidence-based practice.
c) How Personal Values Articulate with Values about Nursing- Discuss how you strive for balance and professional growth and make a difference with regard to self, home, school, community, and the world.

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