Implementation of Conflict Resolution and Mediation Process at a Community College
Implementation of Conflict Resolution and Mediation Process at a Community College
Distinguishing Research Purposes
This study’s purpose is to examine how the college’s conflict resolution and management process can be enhanced. First, the study explores common types of conflicts that occur within the college. Understanding the type of conflicts experienced in college is essential to the development of effective conflict resolution and management process (Ikoya & Akinseinde, 2009). This knowledge will enable the college to identify priority areas in solving conflicts. The study will also focus on exploring the causes of the identified conflicts. Conflicts can only be addressed effectively when people have knowledge of their causes. While people are often aware of conflicts, many people are often unconscious of the factors that led to the conflicts (Ikoya & Akinseinde, 2009). These factors are usually hidden, and thus, have to be identify in order to address conflicts in an effective manner. Thus, the study will focus on establishing this knowledge.
The practical purpose on this research process is to identify an effective mechanism for resolving conflicts within the college. Conflicts are inevitable phenomena with the school setting. However, conflicts cannot be ignored since they have negative repercussions to individuals, and the institution as whole (Ikoya & Akinseinde, 2009). Conflicts often lead to disruption of individuals, as well as, the institution’s learning process. In some case, the also result in severe negative outcomes such as fights, injuries, and even deaths. There are varying ways of managing conflicts. Studies have not been able to agree on a common procedure for managing conflicts (Ikoya & Akinseinde, 2009). This is mainly because conflicts occur in different settings and, therefore, procedures for managing conflicts apply to the context in which they occur. Thus, this study seeks to identify an appropriate method for managing and resolving conflicts within the context of the community college.
Clarifying the Focus and Locus of Inquiry
My research focuses on exploring effective ways of resolving and managing conflicts. The Foundation Coalition (2012) defines conflict as the presence of inconsistent interests between parties. Even in college settings, people have different interest. When two or more students have interests that inconsistent, a conflict is created because as each person pursues his interest he hinders the realization of the other person interest. Presence of inconsistent interests leads to tension between the involved parties. Since it is difficult to discern people’s interest, the study will define interest as the presence of tension between parties. Conflicts lead to tension and, therefore, failure to manage conflicts can result in strained relationships. This study examines how conflict occurs and the common causes of conflicts. The study explores common factors that lead to conflict. This knowledge will shed light concerning the most effective ways of managing conflicts.
My research seeks to identify the most effective strategies for resolving conflicts within the community college. Conflicts occur differently in different settings. Different factors apply in different contexts. Conflict that occurs within the college setting may be different from conflict within the workplace. This is because college students are exposed to an environment that is different from working professionals. Students are also different from working professionals in terms of characteristics such as; age, experiences and many others. There are also factors that are present to this community college and that are not present in other colleges. These unique factors are also determinants of conflicts. This study explores these factors.
Generating an Analytical Memo
Conflict is the stress on the relationship between parties that originate from the presence of conflicting interest or needs. Conflicts often generate emotional responses such as; disappointment, irritation, hurt, and discomforts (Burton S. & Robertson, 2011). Sometimes conflicts can degenerate into negative outcomes such violence. Conflict is an inevitable element in the human society. This is because individuals that make up the society have a different set of needs and interests. When these interests are moving in the opposite direction, a conflict occurs. Even in the college setting, students may a lot of diverse interest even though they may have some common interest binding them together. Existence of diverse interest often results in conflicts.
Since conflicts are inevitable, it is essential for the college to have an efficient process of managing conflicts. This is because failing to manage conflict will result in a strained relationship between college stakeholders, and thus hindering the learning process. Addressing conflicts begin by understanding conflicts (Burton S. & Robertson, 2011). It is essential to have knowledge of the conflicts that occur in colleges in order to identify amicable mechanisms for resolving them. There are different types of conflicts in society. Some conflicts are likely to occur within the college setting while others are least experienced. It is essential for the college management to focus conflict resolution mechanism on conflicts that are common within the college setting. Strategies for addressing conflicts should also focus on the primary causes of conflicts. Conflicts originate from various factors such as the difference in values, needs, expectations and many other factors (Burton S. & Robertson, 2011). It is paramount to recognize these factors in order to develop an efficient mechanism for solving conflicts.
Burton S. & Robertson P. (2011). Training College Students for Emotional Understanding in Conflict Resolution. December 21, 2012.
Ikoya P. & Akinseinde S. (2009). Variability Pattern in Conflict Management Strategies among School Administrators. Journal of Social Science. 20 (3): 223- 230
The Foundation Coalition (2012). Enhancing the Understanding Conflict and Conflict Management. December 21, 2012.
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