The importance of the nurse’s role in supporting an adolescent mother in order to prevent possible postnatal depression

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>The importance of the nurse’s role in supporting an adolescent mother in order to prevent possible postnatal depression

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TOPIC: The importance of the nurse’s role in supporting an adolescent mother in order to prevent possible postnatal depression
Introduction, body paragraph and conclusion are required.
The essay should critically evaluate the content of the artefacts (references) and the importance of using and evaluating evidence- based artefacts when caring for an adolescent mother relevant to current Australian nursing practice.
This assessment task allows students to demonstrate their critical thinking and reasoning, as well as their research skills. Essay will also demonstrate how evidence based information can be implemented into contemporary Australian Nursing practice.
References may include diagrams, articles, web-links, test results, policies, procedures, skills activities / competencies), books that relate directly to nursing care for a child/adolescent mother/family (references must not be older than 5-6 years 2009-2015).
Essay should have 1200 words
The essay clearly addresses the adolescent mother.
The essay demonstrates breadth of reading and important critical evaluation of the contents of the artefact selected for the essay.
Clear understanding of the artefact content demonstrated in relation to the adolescent mother.
Outstanding discussion with higher level critical thinking demonstrated.
Significant clinical arguments and issues presented which are clearly supported by higher order evidence based articles and sources.

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