Independent Study

Independent Study

Table of Contents


Project purpose

The project is aimed at identifying strategies to overcome the problem facing Saudi Telecom Company.

Company information

Saudi telecom company (STC) was established in 1998.The company was established after the ministers approved the company to be established Harvard Business School Press, 2006). After the company was established it adopted ways to change its business from being ruled by the government to a commercial company Harvard Business School Press, 2006). Saudi telecom is leading provider of services in telecommunication. The company has a large market share in the Saudi Arabia as it offers telecommunication services to whole of Saudi Arabia). The company is one of the largest companies in Middle East. The company offers various types of services like mobile services, telephone services at the local, national and international level. In addition, the company offers internet services, data networking services. ISP’s Saudi Net and AwalNet provide services like networking and data services.

Tejari Saudi Arabia offers eCommerce services to customers in various regions. STC has a submarine communication system that connects Saudi Arabia and Sudan. The government of Saudi Arabia has the biggest share in the company. It controls 70% of the company. The other percentage is managed by the company (Harvard Business School Press, 2006).The company has various offices in different locations and they offer different services. It has offices in ISP’s Saudi Net, AwalNet and Tejari Saudi Arabia (Harvard Business School Press, 2006).

External industry analysis

External Industry analysis introduction

The external industry analysis is aimed at identifying the competitors and the suppliers in the industry. This will enable the Saudi telecom company to make proper decisions. Managers in Saudi Telecom Company will understand the external environment. They will understand the competitors, their strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities for future expansion.

The clients’ customers

The client offers telecommunication services to businesses in the country and other organizations. It also offers telecommunication services for personal use. The customers [prefer quality and cost effective services. They prefer getting services that are in line with their needs. For example, they prefer getting telecommunication services on time. They also want to identify services offered by the company from other services. The customers are not able to differentiate the services offered by the company from other services (Thompson &Strickland, 2003)…

Economic characteristics of the industry

Saudi Telecom Company occupies a large share of the market size. The company has expanded in to other regions in the world. The company has other companies in Asia and Africa. The company is currently in Kuwait, South Africa and India. In 2009, the company had annual sales of 50,780,087,000.The company   is considered to be the best in telecommunication industry in the country. The  telecommunication industry in the country had a revenue of $54 billion in 2009.The  annual sales  growth rate in the industry amounted to 1.5% in 2009.The industry has experienced increased in revenue and profits since 2009.The industry  is made up of more than 1000 firms. Also, the industry has employed more than 200, 000 staff who form a large percentage of the population in the region. The firms in the industry have experienced increase in profits and revenue. For example, Saudi telecom company had annual sales of 50,780,087,000.The industry is likely to experience growth in future because of advances in technology (Thompson &Strickland, 2003).

Stage of industry life cycle

The telecommunication industry in Saudi Arabia is in the mature life cycle stage. The industry is dominated by several companies. This according to a report on industry analysis in 2009.Thew industry is dominated by Saudi telecom company, Zain Saudi Arabia. The companies recorded high sales in 2009 and 2010.The firms have adopted technology to help them differentiate their products. Also, the companies have adopted other things like product differentiation strategies and innovations to help them develop quality products. The firms aim at expanding their products and services using the current technology. Most firms in the industry have taken advantage of technological innovations to improve their services and products. Most companies in the industry are focused in expanding their market share. For example, Saudi Telecom Company has expanded its market share to other countries (Paley, 1999).

Competitors and competitor analysis

The competitors are Zain Saudi Arabia and other telecommunication firms. The companies have good strategies unlike Saudi Telecom Company. For example, the companies have marketing strategies and strategies that can help them expand to other market segments. Saudi Telecom Company does not have marketing strategies and this makes it difficulty to market its products. Also, the company does not have product differentiation strategy. This has made it hard for customers to differentiate products in the market. The competitors have product differentiation strategy that is developed using the current technology. The strategy has enabled the firms to perform well unlike Saudi Telecom Company. The competitors have resources and capabilities that enable them to perform better. For example, the companies have technology, skilled workers. This makes it easy for the companies to perform well. The companies have occupied a good share in the market. Most firms in the industry have had high market share unlike Saudi Telecom Company. This is because of the strategies, resources and capabilities the firms have. Also, the expansion strategy has enabled the firms to occupy a large market segment (Thompson &Strickland, 2003).

There are various methods that can be used to overcome competition. First, the Saudi telecom company should develop marketing strategies so as to market its services. This will make it easy for the company to overcome competition as it will attract buyers. Also, the company should develop market identification strategy to help it occupy a large market shared. The expansion strategy will enable the company to occupy a large market segment. Differentiation strategy should be used to overcome competition. The product differentiation strategy enables the firm to differentiate its services from the competitor’s services (Thompson &Strickland, 2003). The industry is made up of many firms. The firms in the industry offer telecommunication services and products.

Saudi Telecom Company offers telecommunication ser vices and sells products to customers in different countries. Apart from Saudi Telecom Company, there are other firms in the industry that offer similar services like Zain Saudi Arabia (Saudi mobile telecommunications company).The company offers telecommunication services across Saudi Arabia. The company uses the latest technology to offer its services. For example, the company uses voice services. Voice services include calls, international roaming and voice mails. Also, conference calls and voice short messaging services are part of services offered by the company (Kurtz, Mackenzie &Snow, 2009).

Etihad Etisalat Company (mobily) is a telecommunication company in Saudi Arabia that offers wireless telecommunication services. The company offers communication services to individuals and business in the country. The key competitors in the industry include Mobily and Zain Saudi Arabia. The companies have embraced the current technology so as to achieve competitive advantage. The competition in the telecommunication industry is stiff as new firms are joining the industry and existing firms are fighting to maintain their market share (Kahn, 2001).


The supply power is the degree to which firms in the industry are able to dictate their price. The firms in the industry dictate the prices to offer their services and product. This has led to stiff competition in the industry as firms are competiting to retain customers (Kurtz, Mackenzie &Snow, 2009).

 The supplier of telecommunication services is Saudi Telecom Company. There are other suppliers in the industry. The suppliers offer telecommunication services. Examples of the suppliers are Zain Saudi Arabia. The supplier power is high. There are various factors that make the supplier power to be high. First, supplier power us high when there are more buyers in the market place and the switching costs are high. Also, the supplier power is high when the product or service is easily differentiae and there a threat of forward integration. Another factor is unavailability of substitutes in the market place (Thompson &Strickland, 2003).


There are no other industries in the country that can offer telecommunication services to customers (Drummond, Ensor &Chartered institute of marketing, 2001).


There is no other industry that can offer telecommunication services to customers. It is difficulty for new firms to enter the market as they need a lot of capital and technology. Apart from Saudi Telecom Company, there are other firms in the industry that offer telecommunication services like Zain Saudi Arabia. The companies compete with the Saudi telecom company in the industry. The companies in the industry have strategies and opportunities that can help the, expand into other markets.

Macroeconomic analysis

There are various factors that can affect firms in the telecommunication industry. Examples of the factors include economic, demographic, social and regulations (Kurtz, Mackenzie &Snow, 2009).


The politics in the country are affecting telecommunication firms in the country. This is mainly due to political instability and regulations.


The overall healthy of economy in the country affects the telecommunication industry. If a country is experiencing slow economic growth then, the industry will also experience slow economic growth. This will lead to low profits and sales. If the country is experiencing economic growth then the industry will grow rapidly (Kurtz, Mackenzie &Snow, 2009).

Social cultural dimension

Social factors can also affect the telecommunication industry. The change in lifestyles has led to high demand for communication services. Most people in the society have started using telecommunication services in their businesses and personal use. The social factors will led to high demand for telecommunication services (Kurtz, Mackenzie &Snow, 2009).

Most people in the world are in need of telecommunication services. The number of people who rely on telecommunication services has increased for the last ten years. This has made it easy for companies to offer telecommunication services. The firms target the population that needs telecommunication services. If the population reduces then, the firms will experience low profits and vice versa. Regulations governments have established different regulations to govern telecommunication industry. The regulations have negative or positive impact on telecommunication industry. Governments have established regulations to protect consumers from exploitation. The regulations will increase sales for firms that are not engaged in illegal activities (Haslam, Neale &Johal, 2000).


The technological advances have helped firms in the telecommunication industry improve their services and products. The technology has helped firms expand in other regions and achieve competitive advantage. Further, advances in technology will improve telecommunication services in the country. This will lead to high growth in the industry (McLoughlin, Aaker, 2010).

 How macroeconomic factors will affect suppliers, customers and competitors

The macroeconomic environment influences customers, suppliers and competitors. For example, the regulations can affect the firm’s profits if they make it dificuity for the firms to provide services. Some of the regulations are developed by the government and they make it hard for the firm to perform well as they limit the operation of the forms. Economic factors affect businesses in different ways. For example, economic crisis influence   firms negatively. They make it hard for the firms to have huge sales. The economic crisis affect customers buying power and customers opt to buy in low volumes. This affects business in the industry and competitors. Technology, social and demographic factors affect the telecommunication firms, customers and competitors. For example, if there are no advances in technology and the number of people who need telecommunication services reduces, then there is low supply as the demand is low. The production cost is also high and this affects the supply.


There are various forces and economic trends that affect firms in the industry. The factors offer an opportunity for firms to make profit or affect the productivity of the firm. The factors should be researched well so as to enable the firm to compete with other firms in the industry (Jeffs, 2008).

Opportunities and threat

Firms are not able to enter the telecommunication industry easily. This is because firms need huge capital to start businesses. The large investment in capital has helped prevent new entrants. It is difficulty for new firms to enter the industry as the firm needs a lot of funds to offer telecommunication services and products (McLoughlin, Aaker, 2010).

The key success factors in the industry are advances in technology, resources and marketing strategies. The companies in the telecommunication industry have adopted new technology to improve their market share and achieve competitive advantage. In addition, the companies have   started using different technological innovations to improve their products and services. For example, Saudi telecom company, Zain Saudi Arabia and mobily have adopted new technology to improve their services and products. The companies have also employed different resources like workforce so as to achieve competitive advantage (Drummond, Ensor &Chartered institute of marketing, 2001).

Other key success factors shown by the companies in Saudi Arabia include skills related key success factors (Drummond, Ensor &Chartered institute of marketing, 2001). Examples of skills related key success factors include talents (Drummond, Ensor &Chartered institute of marketing, 2001). Another example is expertise in a particular technology. Most companies in the telecommunication industries have goods expertise in technology .The success factors give firm in the industry an opportunity to venture into other market segments.

Internal company analysis

Internal company analysis involves analyzing the company history or information, weaknesses and strengths. It also involves analyzing the company financial status and resources and capabilities in the organization. The internal company analysis is based on SWOT analysis.

Organizational issues

There are several issues that the client wants to be clarified. The issues have affected productivity in the firm. Though the Saudi Telecom Company offers quality services, it does not have strategies to control the rate of employee turn over. The main issues client want to be clarified are employed turn over and retention (Harvard Business School Press, 2006). This is because the company does not have strategies to retain employees or manage employee. The main cause is economic growth, lack of skilled laborers (Harvard Business School Press, 2006). In addition, the client wants the strengths and weakness of competitors and the company to be analyzed and how to differentiate competitors in the market. The company lacks strategies to determine the competitors in the market (Harvard Business School Press, 2006). This makes it difficulty for clients to differentiate services offered by the Saudi Telecom Company (and services offered by other companies. This affects the productivity of the company (Harvard Business School Press, 2006).The client wants the project plan to addresses managing diverse workforce. Also, the client wants the project plan to clarify how to expand into other market segments in future (Harvard Business School Press, 2006).The issues above have made it difficulty for the company to serve its customers well. The issues need to be addressed so as to improve customer satisfaction in the company (Harvard Business School Press, 2006).


The company is aimed at providing technical communication (Harvard Business School Press, 2006)


The Saudi telecom company is aimed at improving the theory and practice of technical communication in the country. This will ensure customers and businesses benefit from the teledcomunication services offered by the company (Harvard Business School Press, 2006).

Financial analysis

 Financial analysis helps one evaluate the performance of the firm. Saudi Telecom Company has not performed well for the last three years. The Company has various stakeholders. That is investors who have invested in the company and the government. The company  recorded a revenue  of $ 9,201.6 million in the fiscal year that ended in 2007.This was a 2% increase  from 2006.The operating profits of the Saudi telecom company was $3,369.5 million  in  2007.This was a 0.2% decrease  from  2006.The net profit for the  company  in 2007 was $ 3,210.3 million. This was still a decrease of 6.1% from the net profit the company made in 2006.The company recorded some improvements in 2008 and in 2009 the company made high profits (Kurtz, Mackenzie &Snow, 2009).


The Saudi telecom company targets its services to two markets. That is individuals and businesses. The individual section offers services to individual customers via three segments. It offers services through the Jawal, the internet and Hatif. The Jawal is a mobile telephone service that offers different types of service to the customers. It offers post paid, prepaid and Third generation technology services (3G).The internet section provides internet to customers at home. The Hatif provides landline services. It offers prepaid card services, voicemail etc. The Saudi telecom company businesses section provides services to businesses through five areas. That is the Jawal, Hatif, Data and wholesale (Kurtz, Mackenzie &Snow, 2009).

Resources and capabilities

The Saudi telecom company has technological resources and human resource. The company has acquired current technology and integrated it into its products and services. This has made it easy to produce quality products and offer quality services. The human resource in the company helps in integrating the new technology and carrying out innovation. The manufacturing department helps the firm produce quality products unlike its competitors. The resources in the form are valuable as they enable the form to achieve competitive advantage. Also, the resources are relative to demand .The competitors can achieve the resources in the company easily and this makes the form a threat to the firms. Also, customers can not achieve the same advantage using other resources. Lastly, the company can exploit the resources so as to achieve competitive advantaged (Kurtz, Mackenzie &Snow, 2009).


The opportunities in the external environment include;

  1. technological advances
  2. Unmet customer needs
  3. Loosening of regulations (Kurtz, Mackenzie &Snow, 2009) 

Strengths and weakness

The Company has weaknesses that need to be improved. The weaknesses in the company include what the company needs to improve like marketing strategies, management (Jeffs, 2008). Saudi Telecommunication Company does not have a strong marketing strategy. This is because customers are not able to differentiate it from other customers. The firm does not have strategies to help it expand in to other market segments. This has made it difficulty for the firm to establish other companies in other countries. The company does not have a competitive advantage as it does not have resources and capabilities to compete with other firms. The firm does not know how to develop its services so as to achieve competitive advantage (Jeffs, 2008).

Apart from the weaknesses the firm has some strength. The firm has good technology and human resources that have helped the firm achieve productivity. For example, hew firm has acquired the latest technology like other firms in the industry. The firm has integrated the technology into its products and services. The firm has used the technology to provide quality services to its customers. For example, it has provided its customers with 3G services and introduced MMS services and Al Jawal functions and services to the customers. Most customers are satisfied with the quality services offered by the company. Also, the firm has employed qualified workers who offer services to customers. The company has produced high quality products. The company uses quality materials to manufacture transformers. The manufacturing services in the company have made the company more competitive than other companies in the industry. The production department and the engineering departments are considered strengths of the Saudi telecom company (Harvard Business School Press, 2006).


The company faces threat from other firms in the industry. For example, the company faces threat from Zain Saudi Arabia. The companies have adopted current technology and this makes them more competitive in the industry (Harvard Business School Press, 2006).


 The Saudi telecom company has some strengths and weaknesses. The company has no marketing strategy and this has made it difficulty for the company to market its products. This has affected product and service differentiation. The factors have made it difficulty for the firm to expand to other market segments. The company has acquired the current technology to improve its services and products. Also, the firm has skilled workers who help in providing services. The strengths have made the firm competitive and productive (Kurtz, Mackenzie &Snow, 2009).

strengths weaknesses

Skilled workers.

strong corporate culture

good decision making strategies

lack of marketing strategies

no promotion strategies

poor management

no expansion strategies

no competitive advantage as the firm does not have resources and capabilities to compete with other firms

opportunities threat
technological advances

Unmeet customer needs

Loosening of regulations

Threat from Zain Saudi Arabia and other firms in the industry.

Recommendation: Strategies to overcome problems in the Saudi telecom company

The strategies are developed after the internal and external company analysis. According to the internal analysis of the Saudi telecom company, the company does not have differentiation strategy. Also, the company does not have marketing strategy and strategies to enable it to expand to other market segments.

Recommendation 1: differentiation

Issue addressed: Customers in Saudi Telecom Company have a hard time trying to differentiate services offered by the competitors and the company (Mellen &Evans, 2010). This has affected productivity in the company and made it hard to compete with other firms in the industry.

Objective: helping the firm differentiate its services from competitors’ services.

Explanation: To overcome the problem, the company should use differentiation strategy. Differentiation strategy will help the company create services that are unique in the industry (Mellen &Evans, 2010). Through differentiation strategy, the company will be able to win customers loyalty and the customers will not be sensitive to the prices. The company should adopt techniques that will make it easy to differentiate company’s product from competitors’ product like setting low prices for its services and products (Mellen &Evans, 2010). This will make it easy for the company to increase productivity. The differentiation strategy helps the Saudi Telecom Company to create barrier to the industry and reduce threat to the industry. This is because the company will win customer loyalty and this will reduce threat of entry to the industry (Mellen &Evans, 2010). The company will be able to maximize profits by setting prices that are favorable to the services being offered. In addition, the Saudi Telecom Company will be free to set prices without fear of losing customers. The differentiation strategy will help the Saudi Telecom Company create barrier to entry. New firms will not be able to enter the market easily (Mellen &Evans, 2010). The firm will have to use competencies to differentiate their services so as to compete well. The differentiation strategy will help the Saudi Telecom Company solve issues related to service differentiation. The cost leadership strategy will help the client utilize his internal strengths and reduce external threats. The firm can develop the cost leadership strategy using the current technology. The firm has good technology and skilled workers who can help develop differentiation strategy (Mellen &Evans, 2010).

The Saudi Telecom Company should identify the common points of differentiation. For example, the common points can be the cost, quality and performance. Other points include leadership, timely delivery and customer support. There are customer needs that are not met. For example, the company has not been able to offer services on time and also it has not improved the quality of the services. Also, the company has not provided customers with strategies to differentiate its services. Identifying the common points will make it easy to meet the customer needs. The points will help the company differentiate its self and the services it offers from competitors services (Mellen &Evans, 2010). To differentiate competitors’ services from company’s services, the company should ensure timely delivery of the services and low cost services. This will also enable the firm to meet the customer needs.

Resources: technological resources and skilled workers.

Responsibilities: All the members will be responsible for developing and implementing the strategy.

Implementation: The staff will implement the strategy well. The strategy will be developed using current technology. The firm will use cost, delivery as the points of differentiation. The company will set low prices for its services so as to differentiate it from the competitors. Timing: The strategy will be implemented within 2 weeks.

Recommendation 2: Market follower strategy

Issue addressed: The Company does not have marketing strategy. This has made it hard for the company to compete with other firms in the industry and help customers differentiates its products.

Objective: Developing a unique selling proposition and marketing the services will help differentiate services offered by the company from competitor’s services.

Explanation: Market follower strategy allows a firm to study its competitors and identify their weaknesses. After that the company develops strategies to maximize on competitors weaknesses. For example, the competitors in the industry do not market their products regularly. So, the Saudi telecom company should market its products so as to get more customers. The technology and skilled workers in the organization can help the firm develop a unique selling proposition and market the services (Mellen &Evans, 2010). Marketing is the only way the Saudi Telecom Company can differentiate services offered by other firms in Saudi Arabia and company’s services. The company should develop strategies after studying competitors’ weaknesses so as to market its services and attract customers. A unique selling proposition helps the Saudi Telecom Company summarize its unique features, benefits and values like other telecommunication firms in Saudi Arabia. This makes it easy to differentiate competitors’ services from services offered by the company (Mellen &Evans, 2010). The company should market the services frequently so as to make customers aware of the services offered by the company. The Saudi Telecom Company will be able to retain customers and improve productivity (Harrison &St.John, 2009).

Resources: technological resources and skilled workers.

Responsibilities: All the members will be responsible for developing and implementing the strategy.

Implementation: The staff will develop and implement the strategy using current technology. The firm will analyze the competitors in the market regularly so as to know their weaknesses. Then the company will maximize on the weaknesses. For example, if the firms do not have good marketing strategies, the firm will develop strategies to market its products.

Timing: The strategy will be implemented within 4 week.

Recommendation 3: competitive advantage strategy like cost leadership strategy

Objective: Help the firm compete with other firms in the industry.

Issue addressed: having no competitive advantage.

Explanation: In order to achieve competitive advantage, the Saudi telecom company should use technological strategies to develop new services and improve existing services (Harrison &St.John, 2009). It should use cost leadership strategy to set low prices for its services (Mellen &Evans, 2010). This will improve productivity in the firm. The strategies used by the competitors have made them achieve competitive advantage and greater market share. So the company can adopt the cost leadership strategy used by the competitors to compete well. The strategy will help the company achieve competitive advantage and increase sales. Hence, the strategy will affect profits in the firm positively (Harrison &St.John, 2009).

Resources: technological resources and skilled workers, strong corporate culture and good management.

Responsibilities: All the members will be responsible for developing and implementing the strategy.

Implementation: The staff will implement the strategy using current technology. The firm will develop the cost leadership strategy by setting low prices. The firm will first analyze competitors’ prices and set lower prices for its services.

Timing: The strategy will be implemented within 2 week.

Recommendation 4: low price strategy:

Objective: Helping the firm venture into other market segments.

Issues addressed: The client faces problems associated with future expansion into other geographic market. The company does not have expansion strategy and this has made it difficulty to expand to other locations (Mellen &Evans, 2010). The company does not have market entry strategies (Harrison &St.John, 2009). The company faces problems faced by other organization while trying to enter international markets (Hill &Jones, 2009). The company does not know how to manage and implement marketing efforts and how to enter the market. Also, the company does not know whether to obtain services or to make or buy them, the company does not know how to invest and control (Mellen &Evans, 2010).

Explanation: The Company can use the low price strategy to enter other geographic markets (De Bono, Heijden &Jones, 2008). Low price strategy allows a company to establish relatively low prices for a service offered. The Saudi Telecom Company should use low price strategy to set a relatively low price for the service offered by the company (Hill &Jones, 2009). The low price strategy will help the company stimulate demand and acquire market share in other geographic regions. Low price strategy is used when the seller has fewer competitive advantage and the sellers are sensitive to prices offered by the company. The company does not have competitive advantage and the buyers are sensitive to prices offered by the company (Hill &Jones, 2009). Thus, the low price strategy will work well in the company. The company will be able to enter other geographic markets by charging low prices for services offered. The company will attract customers in the new geographic areas by setting low prices. This will make it easy for the company to retain customers in the new regions and penetrate other market segments. The low price strategy will not affect profits in the organization as the firm will have increased sales. Customers will get telecommunication services from the firm because of the low cost. This will increase customers and hence profits (Harrison &St.John, 2009).

Resources: technological resources and skilled workers.

Responsibilities: All the members will be responsible for developing and implementing the strategy.

Implementation: The staff will implement the strategy well to avoid loosing customers. The strategy will be developed using current technology. For example, the firm will introduce the low prices in bits so as to avoid affecting profits in the firm.

Timing: The strategy will be implemented within 2 weeks. The staff will be required to develop and implement the project within 2 weeks.

Recommendation 5: market segmentation strategy like Multi segment strategy

Objective: The strategies will help eliminate problems in the Saudi Telecom Company and improve services (Hill &Jones, 2009).

Issue addressed: Venturing into other market segments


The company can use multi segment strategy to enter into other regions. Multi segment strategy allows the firm to divide a market into segments. Market segmentation allows the company to group customers with similar interest or characteristics together and provide them with similar services. It also helps the Saudi Telecom Company put customers with similar buying behavior together. Different types of customers require different services and market mix. Multi segment strategy is important as it will help the company group the customers to gather and offer services to customers. It will help the company to identify customers in different geographical regions that need services offered by the company (Hill &Jones, 2009). This will make it easy for the company to expand to other market segments and occupy large market share. Currently, the Saudi Telecom Company has many locations and offers services to diverse customers. But, the company has problems as it does not have strategies to expand to other market segments. Thus, multi segment strategy will help increase market share (Hill &Jones, 2009).The strategies will help one manage firms in Saudi Arabia as the problems are common in many firms in the country. The multi segment strategy will help the firm increase its profits as it will meet customer needs (De Bono, Heijden &Jones, 2008).

Resources: technological resources and skilled workers.

Responsibilities: All the members will be responsible for developing and implementing the strategy. The members will work together in developing the right strategies and implementing them. For example, the managers in the firm will guide other staff in indentifying the strategies and using technology to develop them.

Implementation: The staff will implement the strategy well to avoid causing more harm to the organization. First, the staff will be required to develop the strategy using the current technology. Then the company will use the strategy to venture into other markets.

Timing: The development and implementation of the strategy will take 6 months.


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