
Children’s needs changes as they grow.  Children in middle School from the ages of 5 to 8 can be helped by parents and teachers for their positive development. A child in middle school experiences various changes in their life. They undergo physical, emotional, and psychological changes. It is a period when they learn to be self reliant in activities like catching balls for themselves, tying their own shoelaces and dressing by themselves. They also develop socially as they join school and meet with new people and friends. They develop mental, social, and physical skills.

Table of Contents


Laura E. Berk book, Infants Children and Adolescence, clearly talks of the cognitive development and physical development of children in middle school. These topics are well covered in chapter 12 and 11 respectively. The middle school is an important period for the kids to develop confidence in school work, friends, and in sports. Thus, school teachers, parents, and the care givers have to be well conversant in developing the appropriate approaches to deal with children in middle   School.


Laura Berk utilizes Jean Piaget’s theory to explain the various stages that are linked and rearranged in forming the cognitive system in the mind of kid in middles school level.  This topic clearly explores the aspects such as information processing and the ability of the mind to relate various aspects together.   A Child at the age of six to seven displays logical reasoning, flexibility and organization of thought. This falls under the third stage of Jean Piaget theory of child development.  This stage is known as the Concrete Operant stage. A child’s attention during this stage is higher and has the curiosity of learning new things.

Memory performance assists the pupil at middle school level to internalize and recognize letters do simple mathematics such as additions and subtractions and to memories simple poems and songs. The author further presents the tools for accessing the intelligence of a school-aged child through the use of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.  Environmental and hereditary factors determine the intelligence of a child. Children at middle school level have the ability to view language as a system.  There is rapid development in mental skills.  Their concern shifts from being self centered to appreciating the objectives and views of other people. They can talk what they feel, think and of their experiences.


The Physical development of child in middle school level is discussed by the author.  A child at the age of 6 to 7 is highly sensitive to bronchial tube infection depending on the external stimuli. This can lead to coughing, wheezing, mucous on the nose and may also suffer from breathing difficulty. A child at this stage also has a condition which the lower and upper teeth do not properly meet. He or she may wet the bed in the nights.  Their body weight greatly increase based on the physical build, sex or age.  They also suffer from near sightedness.  Lastly, they are socially active in play-fighting, chasing after one another and are good natured.


Teachers and parents have to understand the challenges the children in middle school go through. Appropriate approaches should be used in order for children in middles school to develop physically and cognitively. Showing affection to a child is a positive approach which can be done by complementing the positive aspects the child has done.  It is important for parents and teaches to instill a sense of responsibility to the child.  Rules are important to guide the behavior of a child.

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