Information Technology Changes
Information Technology Changes
Uses and Disclosures for Treatment, Payment, and Health Care Operations
Regulation for human privacy standards has established some changes that must be developed in order to create an environment that helps build a healthy environment. Information technology has developed in the world of health care industry and has brought both positive as well as negative impacts. With the current IT in the nursing industry, given a change I would change a lot of things in order to help patients receive best health services always. In health care industry, there are changes that call for quick action in order to provide the best privacy services to patients. With the continuous change in information technology, I believe that individual health information should be treated with care. This paper will focus on uses and disclosures for treatment, payment, and health care operations in order to develop the best environment for patients.
Uses and Disclosures for Treatment
Disclosure of patient’s information for treatment purposes is of importance and should get the right treatment where necessary. The current information technology developments in the nursing industry will help me develop the best systems. This helps patients information stays safe and out of reach from unauthorized individuals. Information technology will allow me develop the best ways of protecting individuals healthcare information. Evidence shows that an individual’s health information is a private thing and should stay as private as possible. With the help of information technology I will manage to develop strategies that ensure health information of patient’s lands on safe hand and used for the right purpose, (Berg, 2008).
It is necessary to keep individual’s health care information private as much as possible. This gives the patient hope for recovery and develops trust on the healthcare provider. Sharing of health care information of a patient when consulting matters that pertain to treatment. Evidence shows that any physician should seek permission from the patient on the use of protected health information, (Green, & Rowell, 2010). This may not apply when need arise, and the law gives the authority to use that information for health purposes. Information technology will help me develop training programs to educate physicians and healthcare providers. Health information technology will help protect information to maintain quality and high level of confidentiality in health care industry. I believe with the help of information technology I will manage to provide relevant treatment measures at any given time, (Chaikind, 2009).
Specific rules should guide disclosure of protected health care information to patients in order to develop appropriate health care services. Unless, for treatment purposes, I will ensure that information technology strategies that will apply in treatment purposes does not allow healthcare provider share or disclose a patient’s protected information. This applies when service provider wants to provide health services to the patient, (Peden, 2011).
Payment in the healthcare industry is something that has created problems and difficulties that prevent quality services to patients. Healthcare codes of ethics require service providers ensure that they have ethically contributed to the welfare of the organization and that of patient at the same period. Information technology will help me develop the best strategies to ensure that payment of patient’s services take the right direction. Problems develop in health care industry simply because no appropriate measures are there to govern how payments are when patients pay for their services. This contributes to unethical activities that run in the healthcare industry. With the help of information technology I will ensure that appropriate measures of payment apply in order to provide the right services to patients, (Chaikind, 2009).
Electronic documentation of health records will be one of the strategies that will ensure that billing process offers the appropriate information. This will help trace any records of a given patient thus making it easy to develop billing information. The current system that does not offer substantial and relevant information for the payment aspects. I believe documentation of healthcare records will have a positive impact towards payment approach. Payment activities for a given health condition should not be disclosed whatsoever. Documentation and billing process that will come as a result of IT changes will ensure that no third party who is not involved in the situation has the right to access billing process of the client. It is vital to ensure that payment is done and known only by the right person in order to create a healthy environment for the patient to develop a quick recovery, (Berg, 2008).
I will use information technology in healthcare to define the concept of payment in respect to the person covered in the payment policy. Given that the covered person has the right information, I will use the appropriate record documented and protected only to the entity believed is the right for collection of payment. Application of information technology will also help determine the estimates an individual should get compensation and under which conditions.
Health Care Operations
Provision of health care services requires qualified and skilled care providers in order to respond to the needs of patients. Information technology when applied to healthcare industry will produce the right strategies for healthcare operations. Patients always get the best simply because that is the work and role of health care industry. Some heath care operations such as documentation and recording patient’s information should take a different approach in order to get the best services. I will ensure that such things use information technology, and it will change the entire area of service provision. Information technology helps make some healthcare operation easy because it automates things, (Green, & Rowell, 2010).
I will use information technology in developing tests for patients. With the help of information technology in tests for patients, I will manage to develop tests that are reliable and provides relevant information for treatment. Evidence shows that healthcare environment with information technology manage to provide the best health care operations to patients. Information technology is known for critical test analysis which gives results that are more accurate as compared to approach that does not use information technology. I have skills enough to develop strategies such as tests with information technology, (Peden, 2011).
Information technology also creates an environment suitable to make sound decisions on the condition of the patient. It is necessary to develop and create an environment that provides the best decisions for a given health condition. I will use information technology to improve health care operations. This is in order to provide appropriate information in respect risk condition that may develop in the cause of operation. I believe and understand that it is necessary to provide information that is relevant to the situation and with information technology all will move in the correct direction, (Chaikind, 2009).
In the short term, application of information technology is service provision may look expensive and difficult, but in the future it will develop desirable results. I believe that information technology will help things easier such as health recording, testing, and making a decision on health matters. Evidence shows that the small information technology developed in the health industry and other fields have made thing easier and clear to understand. This will again provide the best services to patients who have problems and want quality health care services. I know information technology will create the best environment for the society which will be the ultimate goal of nursing career in the nursing industry. In the long run, patients will be in a position to get the best health care services at affordable rates. Clients will also have say over their protected information about their healthcare. I believe with integration of information technology in developing changes in healthcare this industry will help create the best environment for patients in all areas of health care services, (Berg, 2008).
Berg, M. (2008). Health Information Management: Integrating Information Technology in Health Care Work: Routledge
Chaikind, R. H. (2009). The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability ACT (Hipaa): Overview and Analyses: Nova Publishers
Green, A. M. & Rowell, J. C. (2010). Understanding Health Insurance: A Guide to Billing and Reimbursement: Cengage Learning
Moore, G.A. (2010). Crossing the Chasm. New York: HarperCollins Publishers
Peden, A. H. (2011). Comparative Health Information Management: Cengage Learning
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