Iraq, the People and the Culture

  • Term  culture  is  a  borrowed  word  from  Latin  cultura  which  steams  from  colere  which  means  cultivate.  The term culture  has been  used  to give  three  basic  sense which  are:  an   excellence  in  humanities  and  fine  arts  commonly known  as  high  culture.  Secondly, culture  means a  set of  shared  values, goals ,  attitudes and  practices  that  defines  a group , organization  or  an  institution.  Lastly,  culture  means an integrated  pattern of  belief,  human  knowledge,  and behavior that  depends  upon the  capacity for social learning and  symbolic  thought.Iraq has one of the oldest cultural histories in the world.  The country’s  culture is  traced  back   in  the times  of  Ancient  Mesopotamia  civilization which  its  legacy  was  greatly influenced  by civilization of  the old  world.  Therefore  Iraq  culture has  a very rich  heritage with  prominent painters,  sculptors, and   poets  known  all  over  the world. The country produces fine handicraft including carpets and rugs. The  architecture is  superb  as  seen  in  islands  of  exquisite  old  compounds  and  buildings in old  and  modern  building  Yearly, Iraq celebrates  and  embraces its  achievements  of the past time during the pre-Islamic period which  was then  the world’s  leading  civilization with  rich  literature,  art  and science.

Characteristics that define a culture

  • cultures  share  common  characteristics  which  are copied  and  borrowed  from  each  other  based  on  symbols  and  its  integration (Havilland,  2002). Members of  a culture share  values, ideas,  standards  and behavior and  this is a set  of  ideas which defines  a  people’s lives and  bond  them  together.  Culture is a learned characteristic and not an innate sensibility.  It is acquired  when children  start  learning  about  their culture  with the  immediate  family  and  later interacting  with  members of  the society. They learn of ritual performance and the required dressing code among other aspects.culture  to be  transmitted  from  one  generation  to  another, systems  of  symbols  need  to be  created that  will  translate   the ideas of the culture  to its  members.  This is achieved through money, religion, art a language (Lee, and Searles, 2002).

For a culture to function efficiently there should be an integration of all aspects of the culture.  For  example in the case of  language, it has  to function within the culture  in  order  for ideals  and  ideas  passed  from  one  person to another. Else,  without  the  integration of  language,  there  will be  cultural  confusion  and  dysfunction leading to cultural  failure.Therefore, cultures  around the world  share  common  characteristics such  as;  culture is  learned,  culture is  based on  symbols,  culture is  shared and culture  is  integrated.

Iraq’s physical geography.

The Republic  of  Iraq  is  a country  in  western Asia  that covers  most  parts  of  the north  western  part of  Zeros  mountain  range,  which is  the eastern  part  of  the Syrian  desert,  and  it  also covers   the northern  part of  the Arabian  desert.  Iraq  is  bordered   by  Jordan  Hashemite  Kingdom   to the West  , Turkey  to te North,  Syria  to the North  west,  Iran  to the east  ,  Saudi  Arabia  and  Kuwait  to the south. Iraq  covers  a narrow  section  of the coastline  which  measures  35 miles  on the Northern  Persian  Gulf.  Baghdad  is  the capital  city of  Iraq which is  located  at the center  East of  the country.

Military conflict history

Iraq’s military conflict history dates back in the year 1980.  Military conflict  between  Iraq  and  Iran  started  in  September  22 1980 when  Iraq  launched  a  land  and  air  invasions of Western Iran. The  then President, Saddam  Hussein of  Iraqi said   the attack was caused  by territorial  dispute of  the waterway  of  Sahtt  al  Arab which  forms  the  boundary of  Iraq  and  Iran. In  1990 president  Bush  won  the United  Nation  Security Council for  possible  use  of  military  force  against  Iraq.  In September, 1991,  the US  made  an  attempt  to remove  Saddam  Hussein from  power by deploying combat  aircraft  to Saudi  Arabia which resulted  in  renewed  military conflict  with  Iraq. In  1998 March  20, the United Nation Special  Commissions (UNSCOM)  conducted  nine  special  impromptu  inspection  in  Iraq  which  lead  to the brink of  military  conflict with  the United  States and  Britain but Iraq  backed  off in  February  that  year. Since  2000  to 2010 there  has  been  ongoing  military  wars  in  Iraq with  US military and over  the proxy  war  between Riyadh  and  Tehran.


Key Infrastructure in Iraq is transport system which has 45, 550 km of the road.  The pipelines are 4,350 km for crude oil   and 1,360 km for natural gas. There are  about  113 airports  which  the major  ones  are  Baghdad  International  airport  Basra,  Mogul, Erbil  among  others.  Energy system in Baghdad continues to suffer regular rolling power outages.   The state  of  health  in  Iraq  has  fluctuated  with  the  country’s  turbulent history due to cut down public funding. The war also affected water supply and sanitation, and telecommunication system (Reuters, 2009).

Weather condition

The weather  condition  is generally  warm  to hot  with  temperature  in  most  towns  ranging  from 34 degrees  Celsius  to forty two.  Baghdad is at 35 degrees Celsius. The weather is less favorable for Iraq’s arable land cultivation and animal keeping. The country imports most of its poultry, dairy and farm products. Fishing industry has remained relatively small. During the twentieth  century ,  shifting agriculture,  human  exploitation, forest  fires  and uncontrolled  grazing  has  affected  large  areas  of  natural  forests. Production for  Iraqi  oil  is  relatively  low and  the industry’s  infrastructure is  in a poor condition because of  the three  wars.  These  wars  are the 1980-1988  Iran-Iraqi  war,  1991  Gulf  war and  Iraq invasions  of  2003,in  addition to the UN  sanction  which lasted  from  1991  to 2003 contributing to the poor condition of the Oil  Industry.

The People

Iraq population is estimated to be 31, 23, 000 people. The  population growth   in  2007   had increased  by  2.66% .Iraq  has  several  ethnic  groups   with  numerous  Arabic  speakers.  Other ethic languages are Kurds, Iraq Turkmen, Chaldeans and Assyrian.  Shad Islam is the prominent religion followed by Sunni Islam and Christianity.The Iraq  governmental  agencies  and  government  has  collapsed  leading to wide  spread  violence  and  looting. People, have  been  forcefully displace   during  the war  and  after  the wars  leading   to the hardship  of  Iraq  population. The UK  and  the US have  made  efforts  to restore order in ensuring   there is  assistance  and  provision of  humanitarian  assistance  in their respective  areas  of  control (Reconstructing Iraq, 2004).


Haviland, William A. (2002). Cultural Anthropology. (10th ed.). Fort Worth: Harcourt College Publishers.

Lee, Valerie L., and Searles, Richard T. (2002). Study Guide for the Telecourse Faces of Culture. 8th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

Reuters (2009) satellite broadband in Iraq. Retrieved from

On June 10, 2010

Reconstructing Iraq (2004) International Crisis Group, Report,, p. 16,

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