Job Analysis in Coca Cola Company
Job Analysis in Coca Cola Company
Job analysis is the process that involves defining the content of a particular job. This process entails description of task and activities that comprise a particular job. Job analysis is a primary function in human resource management. This paper will explore the process of job analysis in the Coca Cola Company. Coca Cola is a multinational company that deals with manufacturing and distribution of carbonated non alcoholic drinks. The company originates in the US and distributes its products in over 100 countries around the globe (The Coca Cola Company, 2012). Coca Cola distributes popular brand of carbonated drinks including; Coke; Fanta and Sprite. Job analysis is a vital function in Coca Cola’s HRM functions.
Job analysis in Coca Cola Company entails two main process; job description and job specification. Job description refers to the process of defining responsibilities; duties and relationship associated with a given job position. Job specification entails definition of human qualifications that are suitable for a given job position. Job analysis in Coca Cola Company is performed by individuals with backgrounds in industrial psychology (The Coca Cola Company, 2012). Job analysis provides the company with information that enables the company to determine which employees are most suited for particular jobs. Consequently, job analysis helps the organization to select human resource team that is capable of implementing the strategic goals of the organization.
Specifically, job analysis in Coca Cola Company is used to inform hiring; training; compensation; performance appraisal, and promotion decisions (The Coca Cola Company, 2012). In terms of hiring, Coca Cola Company conducts job analysis in order to determine the amount of the level of education qualification that a person occupying a given position should have. In terms of training, job analysis helps the firm to identify training needs and design programs that address these needs. Job analysis also enables Coca Cola to identify compensable job factors, thereby, enabling the company to define compensation for every job position. In terms of performance appraisal, job analysis enables the firm to identify duties and responsibilities associated with each job position and use these elements to evaluate the performance of employees.
Singh P. (2008). Job Analysis for a Changing Work Place. October 15, 2012.
The Coca Cola Company (2012). Career Areas. October 15, 2012.
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