Job Analysis, Selection and Orientation
The staff of any organization determines the performance and success of any activities that the organization carries out. The management of human resources is a task under the mandate of the human resource department. The department is charged with responsibilities of managing any organization’s work force. The department’s concerns include employee selection, recruitment and retention as well as the care of the employee’s welfare. Human capital can be used to maximize returns on investments made because it is the core factor that determines controls all other factors of production. The human resource department has to carry out effective management of the people employed in the organization in order to achieve the goals of the organization. This is only possible through the effective use of human resource tools that are employed in human resource activities and procedures. These tools not only enhance efficiency in human resource activities, but also conform to the protocol required of the human resource department. This paper shall present the various human resource tools that are used within the human resource department in carrying out the activities that are related to the management of the workforce.
Important tools in human resource management include employee selection tools, employee orientation tools, job analysis tools and employee training schemes. The organization’s (Children in Poverty) goals include dispensation of services to needy children and families, especially to those that need help. The goals of the organizations can only be achieved through the efforts of the right staff members. This will also ensure that returns on the workforce investment are achieved. The human resource department has to ensure that its takes into account all legal and ethical factors that are necessary in the maintenance of respect and support of the organization’s staff. The job highlighted in this review is that of an accounts clerk working with a social group dealing children living in poverty. Accounting clerks perform day-to-day recording of transactions that take place between the organization and any other third parties.
Job Analysis
Job analysis is the determination of the nature and content of any job. Job analysis entails collecting and organizing information about the position under analysis. A job analysis should contain five main factors including work products-the activities that the job should facilitate, tools and equipments necessary for the job, employee activities to be carried out, environmental factors that influence work and personal attributes that are necessary for the job. Therefore, a comprehensive job analysis should detail job requirements and describe the various aspects of the job. The analysis should include a list of activities that the job entails including capabilities and skills required for the position. There are several methods that can be used in analyzing any job position. These include empirical observations, interviews and questionnaires. Alternatively, a combination of these methods can be simultaneously applied in job analysis activities (Exploring HR Management, 2010).
The accounting clerk’s job analysis revealed various work products. These included precise recording of all transactions carried out between the organization and nay other parties. The work products also included maintaining clear and detailed daybooks with clean records of all financial transactions conducted within the organization. These records should be maintained in all daybooks including purchases, sales, payment and receipt books. As part of the work products, the accounting clerk should also provide trial balance sheets for the organization’s transactions, and make them available to the accountants. Basic activities for the position include correct recording of transactions in the various daybooks of the organization. The organization’s daybooks may include general ledgers, supplier’s ledgers and client ledgers.
The accounting clerk should also provide trial balances as well as assist the accountants in the making of actual financial reports. The job position was also identified with various tools and equipments of work including electronic calculators, computers and communication equipment such as telephones. As a result, the potential candidate should be well versed with the use of computers and other electronic gadgets used in communication as well as mathematical computation and recording. The accounting clerk should also be well versed with computer software modules related to the work of accounting such as Quick books and Sage. Additionally, the selected candidate should have high math ability and capacity to work with numbers. Desirable personal attributes for the work include the ability to work and interact with people from various backgrounds. The accounting clerk should have the ability to relate with different people amicably.
Job Expectations
Identification of job expectations entails asking and answering questions such as, what activities does the accounting clerk’s job entail? What are the accounting clerk’s duties and how often does s/he perform them? These questions are meant to show the requirements that the incumbent should posses in order to effectively serve in the capacity of an accounting clerk (Exploring HR Management, 2010). Identified activities in this context include regular bookkeeping and the computation of trial balances. The accounting clerk should also help the accountants in the preparation of financial reports. Therefore, the accounting clerk duties include recording and gathering data on financial transactions which is later used by accountants in the preparation of financial reports. These activities and duties should be carried out on a daily basis. The potential candidate is required to have clear recording and analytical skills, computer literacy as well as good communication and interpersonal skills.
Collecting data for Job function description
Data for job function description can be collected via various methodologies including the filling of questionnaires by people in similar positions as well as through interviews. Interviews can be conducted between job occupants and jobs analysts. Alternatively, empirical observations may be used as a method of collecting data to be used in the description of the job functions. Through observations on the incumbent data can be collected that will show the duties and activities of an accounting clerk.
Creating a job description
A job description shows the job title, relevant department, number of incumbents as well as the location of the department within the facilities of an organization. In order to make a clear job definition there is also need to know the academic or knowledge requirements for the job. In order to create a clear job description various aspects of the job have to be assessed. This may include assessing disciplines covered in the job and the formal education required for the job. The job in this case is designated as that of an accounting clerk. The number of incumbents desirable for the job may be three. The duties can be divided into three-suppliers’ bookkeeping, receipt and payment bookkeeping and consolidation of accounts and preparation of trial balances. These three duties can be assigned to three accounting clerks. The duties of the accounting clerks will be located under financial department, accounting section. Knowledge requirements for the position include bookkeeping skills, preparation of trial balances as well as consolidation of accounts and preparation of financial reports. Other additional skills that may be required include competency in computer skills and the use of communication equipments. The potential candidate should also have good interpersonal and communication skills.
Teamwork requirements establishment
Teamwork assessment establishes whether there will be a need for teamwork and cooperation between the people that interact with the accounting department and the accounting clerks. This assessment should also show how the duties of accounting clerks relate to other departments within the organization (Exploring HR Management, 2010). The assessment indicates that accounting clerks interact directly with organizations and people that have any direct dealings with the business. The accounting clerks also interact with accountants and other accounting clerks as they cooperate to produce financial records. Therefore, accounting clerks should have good communication skills and interpersonal skills. Therefore, the potential candidates should be able to work well with other key players within the department and organization.
Employee selection
The selection of employees includes interviewing and evaluating potential candidates. The selected individuals should have qualifications and characteristics that fit to the job requirements. Recruitment may be external or internal. Internal recruitment involves selection of employees for a position from within the organization. Advertisements may be made within the organization through notification on company notice boards. The employees qualified for the position may be interviewed and selected internally. On the other hand, external recruitment involves placing advertisements in public media so as to attract potential candidates who will apply from the populace. The following questions may be used in interviewing potential candidates.
What are your expectations in this job and how do you think they can be met?
What amount of payment do you expect to receive for this job?
Were you contended with the payment you were offered in your previous job?
What problems and challenges did you face in your previous job?
How were you able to overcome the problems and challenges?
What do you expect of your employer and what challenges do you anticipate in this job?
Employee compensation and benefits scheme
The employee’s compensation scheme shall include a fixed salary with bonuses that shall be offered with time, but based on performance levels. Offered benefits shall include free medical cover and a retirement fund into which the organization will contribute a quarter of what the fund owner contributes. Additionally, the employee will be entitled to a three months paid leave each year. (Rodriguez, Petrosko & Winter, 2007).
Orientation Script
The organization’s HR department is given the capacity and responsibility to present to you all issues both legal and ethical, which pertain to your work place. These are issues that will greatly determine how you relate and conduct yourself within the work place. The organization greatly values the virtue of integrity in its operations. Pursuant to this interest the organization uses various surveillance means to track and monitor any activities carried out by its employees. Therefore, it is our onus to let you know that you are constantly under surveillance. The surveillance is not extreme, and as such it is legal and does not violate any constitutional rights because the organization ensures individual rights to privacy are not violated. It is also mandatory for the employees to provide their legal documents that detail their citizenship. This is in accordance to requirements stipulated by immigration and taxation laws.
The company does not employ immigrants for this kind of job because it is not one among jobs that legal immigrants can get a work permit. Thirdly, the organization does not condone any type of sexual harassment. Cases of sexual harassment whether physical or verbal are either forwarded for legal measures within the justice system or dealt with internally. The resultant punishment may include termination or suspension. Finally, all employees of the organization should maintain confidentiality when dealing with the records of the organization. Employees are required not to reveal any records of the organization to any people or organizations without authority from the management. It is our responsibility to inform you about these areas of concern so that you may have a smooth working life within the organization, and this is only possible through adherence.
Training proposal
The organization currently offers promotions to qualified individuals working within it. Expansion of the organization’s operations to other states requires more staff. Therefore, previously employed people are given the priority of securing higher level ranks in these newly opened branches. However, these promotions are offered on the basis of qualifications. Therefore, it is mandatory for employees to better their qualifications so as to acquire promotions.
Training narratives
Training betters the staff any organization, and as such the organization recognizes and effects training sessions for its employees on a regular basis to ensure that they are competent. One month after inception, employees are offered in house training meant to improve their communication and interpersonal skills. The training is meant to help them improve on how they relate and communicate with people. This short training is conducted within the organization because it is very brief and short. There is no certification offered because the training is meant to polish already acquired skills (Sims, 2002).
A year after inception, accounting clerks employees are offered chances to either train internally or in higher institutions of learning. This second training is meant to improve their accounting skills from mere bookkeeping to full accounting skills such as record analysis, account consolidation and auditing. At the end of the training they should be able to analyze accounts, perform audits and prepare financial reports. There is certification offered for this training because the training improves the academic knowledge of the participants.
Employees wishing to advance their career and get promotions to a higher level or rank should attain higher levels of training either at the postgraduate or masters level. The advanced training should be in relevant fields of knowledge such as developmental and financial studies. This training is partially funded by the organization and is carried out in higher institutions of learning. Acquired training and skills enable an employee to rise on the organization’s structure.
Exploring HR Management, (2010). Job Analysis. Retrieved on 28th August, 2010 from
Rodriguez, G. Petrosko, M. J. and Winter, A. P. (2007).Using Economic Incentives to Recruit Community College Faculty: Effects of starting salary and healthcare benefits plan. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, volume 31, issue number 1.
Sims. R. R. (2002).Organizational success through effective human resources management. Greenwood Publishing Group.
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