Kaplan HS140: Pharmacology Unit 6 Assignment -Applying Pharmacology Principles

Unit 6 Assignment Directions and Grading Rubric Applying Pharmacology Principles Unit outcome(s) addressed in this Assignment: • Demonstrate an understanding of common characteristics of specific drug classes; • Understand the mechanism of action for specific drug classes; • Identify indications of proper use of specific drug classes; • Become familiar with side effects of common drug classes. Course outcome(s) assessed in this Assignment: HS140-2: Identify different drug classes and their effects on the body. Requirements • Answer the questions below as per directions for each part. Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments. Submitting Your Work Put your responses in a Microsoft® Word® document. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-CourseName-section-Unit X_Assignment.doc (username is your Kaplan username, section is your course section, X is your Unit number). Submit your Assignment to the Dropbox. For assistance, refer to the Dropbox Guide in the Academic Tools area of the course. PART 1: DRUG CLASSIFICATIONS CHART The drug class of many generic medications can be identified by the suffix. Please complete the following table that relates to drug classes you have covered in Unit 3. Please enter your answers in a different color. The Assignment is worth 20 points, 1 point per blank. Generic Medication Suffix Drug Class Medication Examples -olone corticosteroid -asone betamethasone, dexamethasone -phylline -olol enalapril, lisinopril -dipine calcium channel blocker -statin furosemide; toresmide Antithrombic; anticoagulant -terol -zodone nefazodone; vilazodone azithromycin; clarithromycin PART 2: CASE STUDIES Please answer the following case study questions using the knowledge gained in this course. Remember to cite your references in APA format. Answer the questions in complete sentences and spell-check your assignment. Each question is worth 3 points CASE 1 A physician asks you to call an amoxicillin prescription into the pharmacy for a patient. 1. After 5 days, the patient feels better and wants to stop the amoxicillin because it is upsetting his stomach. What is your response? 2. Since the patient has suffered an upset stomach, he believes he is allergic to amoxicillin. Would you agree? Explain your response. CASE 2 A patient visits the clinic and it is determined he has a sinus infection as well as a seasonal allergies. The patient’s chart indicates an allergy to penicillin and lists current medications as acebutolol. He is given a prescription for Augmentin. 1. Explain whether Augmentin is a reasonable antibiotic choice in this patient. 2. The patient has been taking Sudafed and wants to know if he should continue to take it. What is your response? CASE 3 Mr. Cox received a prescription for albuterol. 1. What is the indication for albuterol and how does it act? 2. He is subsequently prescribed beclamethasone. What is the reason for this and how does it act. CASE 4 Mr. Smith has arthritis and is also experiencing muscle spasms. The physician prescribes an analgesic and a muscle relaxant. 1. What is the likely drug class prescribed for arthritis? How does it act? 2. Mr. Smith mentions he took acetaminophen for the arthritis but it did not provide relief. Why is acetaminophen not very effective in treating arthritis? CASE 5 Mrs. Carleton has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Her physician orders digoxin 0.25 mg, two tablets stat and then one tablet daily. 1. Mrs. Carleton asks why she needs to take two tablets now but will only take one daily after that. What is your response? 2. Mrs. Carleton wants to know how digoxin will help her heart. What do you tell her? Unit 4 Assignment Rubric: 50 points Assignment Requirements Points possible Points earned by student Part 1: Correct completion of Drug Classification Table 0-20 Part 2: Correct completion of 5 case studies relating to drug classification and understanding. (10 questions, 3pts each) 0-30 Total (Sum of all points) 50 Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA errors. Adjusted total points Instructor Feedback:

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