Kenya: It’s Political, Economic, Cultural And Physical Landscape
Kenya is one of the Sub-Saharan African countries and its area covers approximately 582, 646 kilometers squared. In this text I look at the country’s political, economic, cultural as well as physical landscape.
Kenya’s [political landscape
Currently, the political environment in this sub-Saharan country is at its highest point given that the country is at the brink of getting a new constitution. This constitution which has been described by legal analysts the world over as one of the most progressive constitutions that have ever been drafted anywhere in the world is expected to usher a new dawn for a country that was almost crippled by violence as a result of disputed elections at the end of 2007 (Ellis 2007).Though the proposed constitution faces stiff opposition from a section of church leaders and politicians who are opposed to a number of clauses most notably on land and abortion, polls have shown that the constitution is likely to pass at the referendum slotted for august this year. Kenyan president, Mr. Mwai Kibaki and his political most notable competitor Mr. Raila Odinga are currently united in quest for a new constitution.
Kenya’s economic landscape
Kenya is one of Africa’s largest economy and it is considered East Africa‘s economic powerhouse. Since the year 2002 when Kenya ushered in a new political leadership, it economic environment has greatly improved with the economy attaining a record 7% growth in 2004. However, Kenya’s economy has been on the decline since the country was plunged into the post election violence late in 2007. However there has been renewed investor confidence lately with the World Bank giving the economic climate in Kenya a thumbs up. (Giles 2009)
Kenya’s cultural environment
Kenya’s culture is a mixture of Western, African as well as Arab cultures. It actually has one of the most diverse culture setup in the whole of east Africa. Though most of cultures dominating the Kenyan cultural landscape are African customary practices given the country’s population is dominated by 40 plus indigenous tribes, Asian as well as Arab cultural influences also make a mark mostly at the costal strip that is dominated by Muslims who are mostly of Arab descent.Kenya’s national language is English though Swahili is also popularly spoken in this sub Saharan country (Trillo 2002).
Kenya’s physical landscape
According to Giles (2009), given that it lies across the equator, Kenya is blessed with a very good climate very suitable for agriculture and other forms of farming. Its northeastern region is primarily flat while on the eastern side we have the highlands including the scenic Mount Kenya (Trillo 2002).Due to its favorable climate this country produces a variety of cash crops including pyrethrum, wheat, coffee as well as tea.
Many analysts have earmarked Kenya as the next frontier for growth with regard to its favorable cultural, physical and economic landscape. It however remains to be seen whether the political climate will remain as calm as it is currently given the oncoming august referendum.
Ellis, E. 2007.Gender and economic growth in Kenya: unleashing the power of women. World Bank Publications
Trillo, R. 2002. Rough guide to Kenya, 7th Edition. Rough Guides
Giles, B. 2009. Kenya. National Geographic Society
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