Leadership Emergent Theorists

Leadership Emergent Theorists

Leadership concept has taken another direction because a number of theories have developed in order to explain the idea or the leadership practices in the current business world. Theories of leadership help leaders as well as employees develop an effective workplace environment in order to achieve organization goals. Evidence suggests that none of the research methods provides a critical explanation on the concept of leadership practices. The researcher should develop the best research design in respect to the questions given to conduct a given leadership research. This essay will look at three main powerful research approaches that are used in day to day leadership research. The common leadership research approaches include quantitative, qualitative, and the most recent one grounded theory, (Bryman, 2004).

Qualitative research approach is among the few approaches used to study the concept of leadership practices. There are a number of questions and mysteries that this approach uses in the study of leadership concept. Qualitative approach evaluates behaviors of a given leader. Leaders in this world have different behaviors. It is through qualitative approach we are able to leader certain leadership behaviors that constitute to the ideal leader. When using the qualitative approach, the most common questions that apply relates to the appropriate leadership behaviors the ideal leader should at all time show. This is to determine whether the person who is evaluated to be the leader qualifies or has the right leadership behaviors. Leaders should manage to develop outstanding leadership behaviors in their workplace. Research questions used at this point only relates to the behaviors of the leader. When developing research questions, the researcher solely concentrates on those behaviors that may help understand the concept of leadership given a situation, (Bryman, 2004).

Quantitative research approach is also used to study the concept of leadership practices. Unless the research is keen on a given leadership research study, one might mix the two approaches. Evidence suggests that quantitative research approach provides more information as compared to the previous research approach. With quantitative research approach, the researcher tries to evaluate different concepts of the leader plus any other relevant aspect connected to the leadership. Questions used are for leadership performance, and how effectively do he or she responds to certain instances. According to different studies on the best approach in the study of leadership concept, quantitative research approach helps the researcher use different concepts that provide relevant information. Apart from that, the research may use questions or mysteries that connect leader’s behavior and the performance output. The best leader should be able to connect behaviors and performance of any situation in order to realize set goals and objectives. Although quantitative research approach is slightly better compared to qualitative research approach, it is not the best for there are other approaches that are currently emerging in the world of research, (Bryman, 2004).

Grounded theory approach is used in the study of leadership practice. This approach has been among the current emerging approaches that help researchers develop their research questions and mysteries when developing leadership research study. Commonly, this approach uses case studies for understanding the situation. With grounded theory approach, the researcher develops some questions that he or she feels a given research did not accomplish. In this situation, the study is based on a study that was previously conducted, but as per the evaluation of the researcher, the previous research did not complete the entire leadership study. In other words, grounded theory leadership research approach may slightly look like a combination of the qualitative and quantitative research approach because it entirely reviews and evaluates any possible concept that would have contributed to the previous study but the author did not recognize it or made an assumption, (Bryman, 2004).

Evidence suggests that objectivity is a degree. This means that objectivity helps differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research approaches in different settings. Different research studies use the degree of objectivity to distinguish what research approach has been used. Objectivity is the agreement that is developed when an observation is made on a given research study. One vital aspect on the issue of objectivity that most people confuse is that objectivity does not refer to the person doing a research study. It is a method used in research study for the observations in the said case. Objectivity helps define procedures used to determine findings of the study thus it helps differentiate between two research approaches. Apart from that, objectivity helps the researcher develop control methods towards experiments in a given research study. Since it protects the aspect of personal biases in the study, it may be used to develop certain differences, (Bryman, 2004).Study of leadership concept is based on different aspects. Some research approach such as qualitative grounded theory and quantitative approach uses different mysteries and questions in developing research studies.


Bryman, A. (2004). Qualitative research on leadership: A critical but appreciative review. Leadership Quarterly, 15(6), 729–7 69

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